
The Study for Government Exams

Competitive Exam's Preparation: SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC JE, SSC JHT, SSC CAPF & CISF; Banking Exams- IBPS PO, Clerk, SO, IBPS RRB, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI Grade-B, RBI Assistant; Railway Exams- RRB Group-D, JE, NTPC, ALP, SSE, RRB RPF & other one day Exams

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SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus

SSC CGL Exam Pattern and Syllabus
Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level
Scheme of Examination
Syllabus of SSC CGL Examination
SSC CGL stands for “Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level.” It’s a national-level examination in India conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to recruit staff for various posts in ministries, departments, and organizations of the Government of India.
The exam is conducted in four tiers:
Tier – I: Preliminary Examination: This tier consists of objective-type multiple-choice questions and is conducted online. It includes sections like General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Comprehension.

Tier – II: Main Examination: This tier also consists of multiple-choice questions and is conducted online. It includes subjects like Quantitative Abilities, English Language, and Comprehension, Statistics, and General Studies (Finance and Economics).

Tier – III: Descriptive Paper: This is a pen and paper mode of examination where candidates have to write essays, letters, and applications.

Tier – IV: Skill Test/Computer: This tier is applicable for certain posts and involves specific skill tests or computer proficiency tests.
Tier I:
1. General Intelligence & Reasoning:
• Classification
• Analogy
• Coding-Decoding
• Puzzle
• Matrix
• Word Formation
• Venn Diagram
• Direction & Distance
• Blood Relation
• Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning
2. General Awareness:
• Current Affairs
• Static GK (History, Geography, Polity, etc.)
• Science
• Economics
• Culture
• Sports
• Books and Authors
• Important Schemes
3. Quantitative Aptitude:
• Simplification
• Interest
• Percentage
• Ratio & Proportion
• Problems on Ages
• Speed, Distance & Time
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Mensuration
• Trigonometry
• Data Interpretation
4. English Comprehension:
• Reading Comprehension
• Fill in the Blanks
• Error Spotting
• Sentence Correction
• Synonyms-Antonyms
• Idioms & Phrases
• One-word Substitution
• Spelling Errors
Tier II:
1. Quantitative Abilities:
• Arithmetic (Number System, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, etc.)
• Algebra
• Geometry
• Trigonometry
• Data Interpretation
• Mensuration
2. English Language & Comprehension:
• Reading Comprehension
• Fill in the Blanks
• Error Detection
• Sentence Correction
• Synonyms-Antonyms
• Idioms & Phrases
• Active-Passive Voice
• Direct-Indirect Speech
3. Statistics (Paper III for Statistical Investigator/Junior Statistical Officer):
• Collection & Representation of Data
• Measures of Dispersion & Central Tendency
• Moments, Skewness, & Kurtosis
• Correlation & Regression
• Probability Theory
• Statistical Inference
4. General Studies (Finance & Economics) (Paper IV for Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer):
• Fundamental Principles of Accounting & Auditing
• Economics & Governance
• Finance & Accounting
• Financial Management
• Principles of Microeconomics & Macroeconomics

Tier III:
This tier includes a Descriptive Paper in English/Hindi to test writing skills. Topics generally include Essay Writing, Letter/Application Writing, Precis Writing, etc.

Tier IV:
This tier involves a Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) or Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) as applicable for certain posts.
60 minutes (total). For VH /OH (afflicted with
cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing
hand – please see paragraph 5.10 of
notice): 80 minutes
120 minutes
(for each paper)
For VH /OH (afflicted with cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing
hand – please see paragraph 5.10 of
notice): 160 minutes

CSIR CASE Recruitment 2023

Examination Cities for stage II (Paper-III) for SO and ASO and CPT for ASO
1. Bengaluru 2. Bhopal
3. Chandigarh 4. Chennai
5. Delhi (NCR) 6. Hyderabad
7. Kolkata 8. Lucknow
9. Pune 10. Jamshedpur
11. Guwahati
[9.1] Benefits under Council Service:
(a) The posts carry usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), Transport Allowance
(TA) etc. at Central Government rates as applicable to the employees of Council at the place of posting. Council
employees are also eligible for accommodation of entitled type as per CSIR Residence Allotment rules depending
upon availability in which case HRA will not be admissible.
(b) In addition to the emoluments indicated against each category of posts, benefits such as reimbursement of Medical
expenses, Leave Travel Concession, House Building Advance etc. are available as applicable to Council employees.
(c) The posts will be governed by the New Pension System applicable w. e. f. 01.01.2004 as notified by the Government

ECHS Vacancies 2023

ECHS Vacancies 2023
ECHS Various Posts Recruitment 2023
Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)
OIC, Medical Specialist,
Medical Officer
Dental Officer
Lab Technician
Lab Assistant
Dental Assistant
Nursing Assistant
IT Network Technician
Data Entry Operator
Female Attendant
भूतपूर्व सैनिक अंशदायी स्वास्थ्य योजना

SSC Constable (GD) Examinations 2023

SSC Constable (GD) Examinations 2023, Staff Selection Commission SSC Various Recruitment 2023, Staff Selection Commission,
Constable (GD) in Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs), NIA, SSF and Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles,
Staff Selection Commission has announced 75768 vacancies
Government of India, Ministry of Personnel Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel and Training,
Staff Selection Commission,
Dates for submission of online applications 24-11-2023 to 28-12-2023

Last date and time for receipt of online applications 28-12-2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan 28-12-2023(23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment 29-12-2023(23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during
Working hours of Bank) 29-12-2023
Schedule of Computer Based Examination February, 2024

recruitment to the posts of Constable (General Duty) in
Border Security Force (BSF), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central
Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), Sashastra Seema
Bal (SSB), Secretariat Security Force (SSF), Rifleman (General Duty) in Assam Rifles (AR) and Sepoy in NIA (National Investigation Agency) as per the Recruitment Scheme
formulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Ministry of Home Affairs and the Staff Selection
Computer Based Examination (CBE) will be conducted by the Commission only in
English and Hindi.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST)/ Detailed Medical
Examination (DME)/ Review Medical Examination (RME) will be scheduled and
conducted by the CAPFs
Mode of selection:
13.1 The recruitment process will consist of Computer Based Examination (CBE),
Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Physical Standard Test (PST), Medical
Examination (DME/ RME) and Document Verification.
13.2 Candidates scoring following cut-off marks (without adding bonus marks to
NCC certificate holders) will be considered eligible for short-listing to the
next stage i.e. PET/ PST:
13.2.1 UR : 30%
13.2.2 OBC/EWS : 25%
13.2.3 All other categories : 20%
NCC Certificate holders will be granted following incentive marks
provisionally which will be added to the normalized scores of the
13.3.1 NCC ‘C’ Certificate : 5% of total marks
13.3.2 NCC ‘B’ Certificate : 3% of total marks
13.3.3 NCC ‘A’ Certificate : 2% of total marks
Candidates have to give preference for following CAPFs/ Organizations, in
the order of priority, in the online Application Form. Filling of all Seven
preferences shall be essential:
13.9.1 BSF (A)
13.9.2 CISF (B)
13.9.3 CRPF (C)
13.9.4 SSB (D)
13.9.5 ITBP (E)
13.9.6 Assam Rifles (F)
13.9.7 SSF (H)
13.10 The candidates who are qualified in the PET/ PST and DV/ Medical
Examination will be considered for inclusion in the final merit list.
13.11 On the basis of normalized marks scored by candidates in the Computer
Based Examination (including NCC bonus marks), the final selection of
candidates, along with force allocation, in each category namely, UnReserved, SC, ST, OBC, EWS and ESM will be made separately for male
and female candidates in respect of each State/ UT and further earmarked
area of Border Guarding and Militancy/ Naxal affected Districts wherever
NIA (G) applicable. Selection of the candidates for SSF and NIA will be made on All
India Basis.

SBI Junior Associates Recruitment 2023

SBI Junior Associates Recruitment 2023
State Bank of India SBI Clerk Recruitment 2023
State Bank of India
Junior Associates (Customer Support & Sales) in clerical cadre in State Bank of India
It has announced 8283 vacancies
Advertisement No.
Online Start Date
17 November 2023
Last Date
07 December 2023
Date of Prelims Exam (Tentative)
January 2024
Date of Mains Exam (Tentative)
February 2024
Name of the Post
Minimum Educational Qualification
Age Limit
Junior Associate
Graduation in any discipline from a recognized University or any equivalent qualification recognized as such by Central Government
Not below 20 years and not above 28 years as on 01.04.2023
Central Recruitment & Promotion Department
(Advertisement No. CRPD/CR/2023-24/27)
The test for knowledge of specified opted local
language will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted after qualifying the online Main examination but before joining the
Bank. Candidates who fail to qualify this test will not be offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate
evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test.
There is no provision for Inter
Circle Transfer / Inter State Transfer for Junior Associates to be recruited.

RGUKT Faculty Recruitment 2023

RGUKT Faculty Recruitment 2023
Rajiv Gandhi University Lecturer Recruitment 2023
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
Lecturer Posts
It has announced 220 vacancies
It includes the number of posts, last date to fill the form, payment, and syllabus. The pattern of the exam has also been discussed in a detailed manner.
Advertisement No. 5/RGUKT/2023
Issued Date 31 October 2023
Online Start Date 31 October 2023
Last Date 20 November 2023
Last Date to Submit Hardcopy 27 November 2023
Educational Eligibility Criteria, and Pay Level for RGUKT Faculty Recruitment 2023
Category Amount per Test
Unreserved/BC/EWS ₹ 2500.00
SC/ST/PBDs ₹ 2000.00
Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) USD 50 equivalent amount to be paid in Rupees (i.e. Rs.4,200.00)
Category wise reservation for Lecturers in various departments/subjects
S.No. Department/
Regular Total
1 Biology OC-4, BC-A-1, SC-2, ST-1, 8
2 Chemistry OC-15, BC-A-2,BC-B-3, BC-C-1,
BC-D-3,BC-E-2, SC-4,ST-2,EWS-4
3 Dance OC-2,BC-A-1, SC-1 4
4 English OC-10,BC-A-2,BC-B-2,BC-D-2,
BC-E-1,SC-4, ST-1, EWS-2,
5 Fine Arts OC-1,BC-B-1,ST-1, EWS-1 4
6 IT OC-10,BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-2,BC-E-1,
SC-5, ST-1,EWS-3,
7 Library OC-4,BC-B-1, SC-1,ST-1, EWS-1 8
8 Mathematics OC-13,BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-C-1,
BC-D-3,BC-E-2, SC-4,ST-2, EWS-3
9 Music OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1 4
10 Physical Education OC-6, BC-A-1,BC-B-2, SC-1,ST-1,EWS-1 12
11 Physics OC-11, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-4, BC-E-2,
SC-6, ST-2, EWS-5
12 Psychology OC-2,BC-B-1,SC-1 4
13 Telugu OC-8, BC-A-1, BC-B-1, BC-C-1,
SC-3,ST-1, EWS-1
14 Yoga OC-1,BC-A-1,BC-D-1,BC-E-1 4
Total 220
For the above vacancies the following Horizontal reservation will be implemented as
per the provisions of G.O.Ms.77 General Administration (Services-D) Department dated:
 33 1/3rd % for Women;
 Two percent (2%) for Sports persons;
 Two percent (2%) for Ex-serviceman;
 Four percent (4%) for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Total no. of
vacancies reserved for this category is 9.
a) Reservation Register for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
Block Respective Categories No. of posts
1 a Blindness and low vision 3
2 b Deaf and hard hearing 2
3 c
Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy,
leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and
muscular dystrophy
d Autism, Intellectual disability, Mental illness.
Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under
clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the
posts identified for each disabilities.
b) In order to provide representation for each category of persons with Benchmark
disabilities, each Register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points
shall be divided into four Blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block – Point No. 01 to point No. 25
2nd Block – Point No. 26 to point No. 50
3rd Block – Point No. 51 to point No. 75
4th Block – Point No. 76 to point No.100
c) There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 25 is suitable for any
category of the person with benchmark disability. In that case, two vacancies from 26
to 50 shall be filled as reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities. If the
vacancies from 26 to 50 are also not suitable for any category, three vacancies shall be
filled as reserved from the third block containing points from 51 to 75. This means
that if no vacancy can be reserved in a particular block, it shall be carried over into the
next block.
d) If first point is not filled up with Person with Benchmark Disability, further vacancy
falling at any of the points from 2 to 25 shall have to be filled by the Person with
Benchmark Disability. The purpose of keeping points 1, 26, 51 and 76 as reserved is
to fill up the first available suitable vacancy for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
Likewise, a vacancy falling at any of the points from 26 to 50 or from 51 to 75 or
from 76 to 100 shall have to be filled by the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
Important Note:
1. As per the Andhra Pradesh Gazette Notification No. 19 dated 21st December
2021, for the purpose of reservation of posts, sanctioned strength for a state
educational institution or a class of State Educational Institutions under the
control of an authority or management, that is competent for recruitment in
those State Educational Institution (s) shall be regarded as a single unit, in this
case roster is calculated by considering university as a single Unit.
2. Vertical reservation for SC, ST, BC, EWS and horizontal reservation for Women,
Ex-servicemen, meritorious sports persons and PBDs will be followed as per
G.O. Ms. No. 77 General Administration (Services-D) Department dated
02.08.2023 Government of AP. Candidates applying for the reserved posts
should clearly state the category to which they belong to. They must also
enclose a Certificate issued by Tahsildar / Mandal Revenue Officer/ or other
Authorized Authority as proof to this effect, without which the application will
not be considered.
3. As per G.O.Ms.No.90 Higher Education (UE) Department Dated:13.09.2023, the
vacant posts to be notified for direct recruitment shall be clearly arranged for
each category of faculty/teaching positions in alphabetical order of (i)
Departments, and (ii) the subjects, if any, within each department for
identifying roster points and implementation of the rule of reservation. The
roster points for the said vacant posts are to be notified and filled, in accordance
with Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 for
implementation of the rule of reservation for direct recruitment of
faculty/teachers into the State Educational Institution(s), and issue recruitment
notification for the same.
4. As per G.O.Ms. No.1 Department of Economically Weaker Sections Welfare, Govt.
of A.P. Dated: 28.03.2023, ‘in the event of non-availability of eligible
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) direct recruits, the principle of carry
forwarding of unfilled posts in the event of non-availability of candidates,
applicable to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe in terms of service rules shall be
made applicable to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) also’.
G.O.Ms. No.1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, public services –
Government Employees- Revised Pay Scales 2022-
Comprehensive orders- dated 17-01-2022,
Lecturer AP State Govt.
Revised Pay Scales
Essential Qualifications – Subject wise:
1.1 Biology
Number of posts : 08
Regular : 08 (OC-4, BC-A-1, SC-2, ST-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Biosciences from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.2 Chemistry
Number of posts : 36
Regular : 36 (OC-15, BC-A-2, BC-B-3, BC-C-1, BC-D-3, BC-E-2, SC-4,
ST-2, EWS-4)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.3 Dance
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Dance from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.4 English:
Number of posts : 24
Regular : 24 (OC-10, BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-D-2, BC-E-1, SC-4, ST-1,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in English from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.5 Fine Arts:

Number of posts : 04
Regular : 36 (OC-1, BC-B-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Fine Arts from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.6 Information Technology:

Number of posts : 28
Regular : 28 (OC-10, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-2, BC-E-1, SC-5, ST-1,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Tech, M.Sc., MSIT, MCA or
B.Sc (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Information
Technology/Computer Science from any University in India Established or
incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial Act or an
Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent
qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.7 Library Science:
Number of posts : 08
Regular : 08 (OC-4, BC-B-1, SC-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree in MLISc or any other
equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Library Sciences from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.8 Mathematics:
Number of posts : 32
Regular : 32 (OC-13, BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-C-1, BC-D-3, BC-E-2, SC-4,
ST-2, EWS-3)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A./MSc or BSc (Hons)/ B.A
(Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics from any
University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State
Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants
Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post
Graduate Degree Examination.
1.9 Music:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A. (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Music (Vocal and Instrumental) from
any University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks
in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
1.10 Physical Education
Number of posts : 12
Regular : 12 (OC-6, BC-A-1, BC-B-2, SC-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.P.Ed.) or any other
equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Physical Education from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.11 Physics

Number of posts : 36
Regular : 36 (OC-11, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-4, BC-E-2, SC-6, ST-2,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Physics from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.12 Psychology:

Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-B-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A.,/M.Sc., or B.A.
(Hons)/B.Sc (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in
Psychology from any University in India Established or incorporated by or under
a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of
50% marks in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
1.13 Telugu
Number of posts : 16
Regular : 16 (OC-8, BC-A-1, BC-B-1, BC-C-1, SC-3, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A. or B.A. (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Telugu from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.14 Yoga:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-1, BC-A-1, BC-D-1, BC-E-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A.,/M.Sc., or B.A.
(Hons)/B.Sc. (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Yoga from
any University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks
in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
Procedure for payment of Registration Fee:
Application Fees (Non-refundable) to be paid through the link provided in the
application form portal:
S.No. Category Amount per Test
1 Unreserved/BC/EWS ₹ 2500.00
2 SC/ST/PBDs ₹ 2000.00
3 Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs)
USD 50 equivalent
amount to be paid in
Rupees (i.e.,

NFL Management Trainee Recruitment 2023

NFL Management Trainee Recruitment 2023
National Fertilizers Limited Recruitments 2023
National Fertilizers Limited
It has announced 74 vacancies
Posts, service, No. of vacancies, and Scale of Pay
Advertisement No. 02 (NFL)/2023
Issued Date 01 November 2023
Online Start Date 02 November 2023
Last Date 01 December 2023
Age Limit as on Cut Off
Date Minimum Educational Qualification
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
61000124 Management Trainee
Minimum – 18 years
Maximum – 27 years
Min. 60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD) in 02 years
full time MBA/PGDBM/PGDM in Marketing/ Agri
Business Marketing/ Rural Management/ Foreign
trade/International Marketing from Universities/
Institutes recognized by UGC/AICTE OR B.Sc in
Agriculture with Min. 60% marks (50% for
SC/ST/PwBD) in M.Sc. (Agriculture) with
specialization in Seed Science & Tech./ Genetics &
Plant Breeding/ Agronomy/ Soil Science/ Agriculture
Chemistry/ Entomology/ Pathology from
Universities/ Institutes recognized by
61000056 Management Trainee
Minimum – 18 years
Maximum – 27 years
Bachelors Degree with pass in final examination of
CA/ICWA/ CMA from Institute of Charted
Accountant of India / The Institute of Cost
Accountant of India (ICAI)
61000114 Management Trainee
Minimum – 18 years
Maximum – 27 years
Full Time Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB or BL)
{minimum 03 years course} with minimum 60%
marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD) OR 05 years
integrated full time LLB or BL Degree with minimum
60% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwBD) from college/
university approved by Bar Council of India
The cut-off date for determining eligibility criteria in respect of age, minimum educational qualification,
Experience etc. shall be 31/10/2023 and will remain unchanged irrespective of any reason whatsoever
2. AGE LIMIT (Column iii)
Maximum age mentioned on the above table is for ‘UR’ category. Relaxations to SC/ST/OBC/PwBD/ExSM in
age criteria are mentioned in Clause Nos. F.12 – F.18 of this advertisement.
a. Minimum percentage of marks in the minimum educational qualification as indicated above shall be
aggregate of all semesters/years and irrespective of the weightage given to any particular semester/year
by the Institute/University.
b. Candidates possessing higher technical/ professional qualifications in the relevant field/ discipline will also
be considered eligible for the post applied provided they mandatorily possess Minimum Educational
Qualification (Column iv of Table-02) as mentioned above.
c. Departmental candidates, who have acquired degree/diploma through correspondence/ part time course
with minimum 50% marks from approved/recognized institutes with prior permission of the Management
during their employment in NFL, will be eligible to apply. The term “departmental candidates” means those
candidates who are currently working with NFL as permanent employees and not wards of NFL
d. No claim of possession of equivalent educational qualification(s) to the advertised educational
qualification would be entertained and decision of NFL in this regard would be final and binding.
e. Wherever CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a degree is awarded; equivalent percentage of marks should be
indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University/Institute. Where no norms have
been specified, the CGPA/OGPA will be presumed to have been provided on a 10-point scale. Candidates
having CGPA/OGPA or letter grade in a degree, however, shall invariably produce a copy of these
conversion norms/no norms with respect to his/her University/Institute at the time of document verification.
f. Candidates possessing PG Degree/Diploma not mentioning the area of specialization will have to produce
certificate of specialization in the relevant field in qualifying subject, from its University/Institute failing
which he/she may not be allowed to attend the personal interview. It may be noted that it shall be
responsibility of the candidate to verify and substantiate his claim of having requisite specialization in the
advertised qualifying subject and no queries/correspondence shall be entertained in this regard at the time
of interview.
g. Only those candidates who have completed the minimum required educational qualification as mentioned
in the Column iv of Table-02 above and whose final year results have been declared as on cutoff date are
eligible to apply. It may be noted that candidates would be required to upload final year mark sheet/degree
completion certificate at the time of online application and to produce at the time of document verification
failing which their candidature shall not be considered. Accordingly, candidates, who are studying in final
year and his/her result is awaited as on cutoff date, will not be entertained.
h. In case of any dispute arising about the admissibility of any particular qualification the decision of NFL
Management shall be final and binding on the applicants.
General, OBC and EWS category candidates are required to pay non-refundable application fee plus
applicable bank charges (if any) through online transfer mode at the time of submission of online application
form, as detailed below (Table-03):
Sl. No. Pay Scale
Post Amount (in₹)
01. E-1 Management Trainee (Law) ₹ 700/- plus applicable Bank Charges.
02. E-1 Management Trainee
(Marketing) ₹ 700/- plus applicable Bank Charges.
03. E-1 Management Trainee (F&A) ₹ 700/- plus applicable Bank Charges.
Uploading of Photograph, Signature and requisite documents/Certificates as applicable
Candidates shall be required to upload following documents (as applicable) at the time applying online and
are advised to keep the same handy:
Sl No Particulars Documents to be uploaded Maximum Size of file/
Type of file
1. Date of Birth Proof 10th / Matriculation Certificate 2 MB in PDF
2. Educational Qualification
Mark sheets and Degree Certificates (Matric onwards
upto highest level for all semesters/years). Documentary
proof/ certificate from the Institute/ University (as per
norms adopted by University/ Institute) indicating
equivalent percentage of marks secured in case degree
is awarded in CGPA/ OGPA or letter grade.
2 MB in PDF
3. Past Employment Proof
Experience Certificate issued by Employer(s), with
clearly indicating date of joining, date of relieving, duties
performed in each organization in which candidate has
2 MB in PDF
4. Present Employment Proof
Joining Letter/ Certificate issued by Employer clearly
mentioning date of joining along with Offer of
appointment and pay slip of the Cut Off Month as proof
of the present employment.
2 MB in PDF
5. For Caste/Tribe Certificate
[for SC/ ST/ OBC (NCL)]
Caste Certificate in the prescribed format. OBC (Non
Creamy Layer) category candidates are required to
submit latest caste certificate from Competent Authority.
2 MB in PDF
6. EWS Certificate EWS category candidates are required to submit latest
category certificate from Competent Authority. 2 MB in PDF

Department of Posts Recruitment 2023

Department of Posts Recruitment 2023
Ministry of Communications DoP Recruitments 2023
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Postal Assistant, Sorting Assistant, Postman, Mail Guard, and Multi-Tasking Staff
It has announced 1899 vacancies
India Post
भारतीय डाक
Government of India
No. W-17/55/2022-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dates for submission of online applications
Start date for receipt of online applications 10.11.2023
Last date for receipt of online applications 09.12.2023
Last date for making online fee payment 09.12.2023
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ 10.12.2023 to 14.12.2023
(i) Postal Assistant
(ii) Sorting Assistant
(iv) Mail Guard
(v) Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
The recruitment process will be based on the guidelines issued by the Department of
Personnel and Training
Name of the Post Pay level in the Pay Matrix, specified in Part A of
schedule of Central Civil Service (Revised Pay)
Rules 2016, plus admissible allowances.
(a) Postal Assistant Level 4 (Rs 25,500 – Rs.81,100)
(b) Sorting Assistant Level 4 (Rs 25,500 – Rs.81,100)
(c) Postman Level 3 (Rs 21,700 – Rs.69,100)
(d) Mail Guard Level 3 (Rs 21,700 – Rs.69,100)
(e) Multi Tasking Staff Level 1 (Rs 18,000 – Rs.56,900)
VACANCY: Postal Circle-wise and cadre-wise vacancy is at Annexure-1.
Sl. No Post Age Limit
(a) Postal Assistant Between 18-27 years
(b) Sorting Assistant Between 18-27 years
(c) Postman Between 18-27 years
(d) Mail Guard Between 18-27 years
(e) Multi Tasking Staff Between 18-25 years
Relaxation in upper age limit by five (5) years shall be allowed in each case. In
addition, relaxation in upper age limit of five (5) years shall be allowed only to candidates
belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) in each case. Accordingly, total 10
years of age relaxation is allowed to candidates belonging to SC/ST only. Although
additional age relaxation as mentioned above shall be provided to SC/ST candidates, no post
shall be reserved for any category of candidates.
(i) For the posts of Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant: –
a) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
b) Knowledge of working on computer.
(ii) For the posts of Postman / Mail Guard: –
a) 12th standard pass from a recognized Board.
b) Should have passed local language of the concerned Postal Circle or Division as one
of the subjects in 10th standard or above. Local language of a Postal Circle or
Division shall be as at Annexure-2.
c) Knowledge of working on Computer.
d) Valid license to drive two-wheeler or Light Motor Vehicle (For the post of Postman
only). Persons with Benchmark Disability are exempted from the possession of
Note 1.- A person not possessing the knowledge of local language of the Postal
Circle or Division concerned shall also be eligible for appointment. However, such
person after appointment shall pass local language test to be conducted in the
manner as may be decided by the Postal Circle concerned and passing of such local
language test shall be a pre-condition for completion of probation.
Note 2.- A person not possessing a valid license to drive two-wheeler or light motor
vehicle shall also be eligible for appointment for Postman. However, such person not
having valid license to drive two-wheeler or light motor vehicle at the time of
appointment shall not earn periodical increment in pay till production of such license
or for a period of five years from the date of appointment, whichever is earlier, and
after production of such license or expiry of such five years period, pay shall be
restored prospectively to the level pay would have reached had the periodical
increment in pay was not withheld and no arrears of pay shall be paid for the
intervening period.
(iii) For the posts of Multi Tasking Staff: –
a) 10th standard pass from a recognized Board.
A candidate shall be considered as meritorious sportsperson for the purpose of
recruitment under this notification with reference to following criteria:
a) Sportspersons who have represented a State or the Country in the National or
International competition in any of the sports / games mentioned in para 7 of this
b) Sportspersons who have represented their university in the Inter-University
Tournaments conducted by the Inter-University Sports Board in any of the sports /
games mentioned in para 7 of the notification.
c) Sportspersons who have represented the State School teams in the National Sports /
Games for schools conducted by the All India School Games Federation in any of the
sports / games mentioned in para 7 of the notification.
d) Sportspersons who have been awarded National Awards in Physical Efficiency under
the National Physical Efficiency Drive
Sl No. Name of Sports/Game Sl No. Name of Sports/Game
1 Archery 2 Athletics
3 Atya-Patya 4 Badminton
5 Ball-badminton 6 Base ball
7 Basketball 8 Billiards and Snooker
9 Body Building 10 Boxing
11 Bridge 12 Carrom
13 Chess 14 Cricket
15 Cycling 16 Cycle Polo
17 Deaf Sports 18 Equestrian Sports
19 Fencing 20 Football
21 Golf 22 Gymnastics
23 Handball 24 Hockey
25 Ice-Hockey 26 Ice-Skating
27 Ice-Skiing 28 Judo
29 Kabaddi 30 Karate
31 Kayaking and Canoeing 32 Kho-Kho
33 Kudo 34 Mallakhamb
35 Motor Sports 36 Net Ball
37 Para Sports
(for Sports discipline included in Para
Olympics and Para Asian Games)
38 Pencak Silat
39 Polo 40 Powerlifting
41 Shooting 42 Shooting Ball
43 Roll Ball 44 Roller Skating
45 Rowing 46 Rugby
47 Sepak Takraw 48 Soft Ball
49 Soft Tennis 50 Squash
51 Swimming 52 Table Tennis
53 Taekwondo 54 Tenni-Koit
55 Tennis 56 Tennis Ball Cricket
57 Tenpin Bowling 58 Triathlon
59 Tug-of-War 60 Volley Ball
61 Weightlifting 62 Wushu
63 Wrestling 64 Yachting
65 Yogasana
Competition Authority awarding certificate Form in which
certificate is to
be awarded.
1 International
Secretary of the National Federation of the
Game concerned
2 National
Secretary of the National Federation or the
Secretary of the State Association of the
Game concerned
3 Inter-University
Dean of Sports or other officer in overall
charge of sports of the university concerned
National /
Sports /
Director or Additional/ Joint or Deputy
Director in overall charge of sports/games
for schools in the Directorate of Public
Instructions/ Education of the State
Secretary or other officer in overall charge
of physical efficiency in the Ministry of
Education and Social Welfare, Government
of India

NHEU Non-Teaching Positions Recruitment 2023

NHEU Non-Teaching Positions Recruitment 2023
NEHU Administrative/Ministerial Recruitments 2023
North-Eastern Hill University
Section Officer, Assistant, Professional Assistant, Lower Divisional Clerk, Private Secretary, Multi Tasking Staff , Statistical Assistant,
Stenographer, Semi Professional Assistant, Junior Library Assistant, Library Attendant
How to Apply for NEHU Vacancies 2023
Code Posts Pay
Post Categories
Administrative / Ministerial Services
B-01 Section Officer 7 7 5 1 1
B-02 Assistant 6 5 4 1
Library Services
B-03 Professional Assistant 6 1 1
Secretarial Services
B-07 Private Secretary 7 1 1
TOTAL 14 11 1 2
C-01 Lower Division Clerk 2 77 29
+ 1
+ 2
5 8
C-02 Multi-Tasking Staff 1 36 13 15
+ 1
3 4
Statistical Services
C-03 Statistical Assistant 5 1 1
Secretarial Services
C-04 Stenographer 4 19 10 8 1
Library Services
C-05 Semi Professional
5 2 2
C-06 Junior Library Assistant 4 1 1
C-07 Library Attendant 1 4 2 1(PwBDBL)
TOTAL 140 61 56 4 14
B-01 Section Officer
(5-UR, 1-SC, 1-
Level –
35 years i) A Bachelor’s Degree in any
discipline from any recognised
Institute/ University.
ii) Three Years’ Experience as Assistant
in the Level 6 or eight years as UDC
in Level 4 in any Central / State
Govt./ University/ PSU and other
Central or State Autonomous
Institutions or holding equivalent
positions in any reputed Private
companies/ bank with annual
turnover of at least Rs.200/- Crores
or more.
iii) Proficiency in Computer Operation,
noting and drafting.
B-02 Assistant
(4-UR, 1-OBC)
Level –
35 years i) Bachelor Degree from a recognized
University / Institution.
ii) Three Years of experience as UDC or
equivalent in the Level 4 in Central/
State Government/ University/ PSU
and other Central / State
Autonomous Bodies or equivalent
pay package in the reputed private
Companies/ corporate banks with a
minimum annual turnover of at
least Rs.200/- Crores or more.
iii) Proficiency in Typing, Computer
applications, noting and drafting.
B-03 Professional
Level –
35 years i) Master’s Degree in Library &
Information Science from any
recognised University /Institution
with 02 years’ experience in the
relevant field in a
University/Research establishment
/ Central / State Govt. / PSU and
Library of other autonomous
Bachelor’s Degree in Library /
Library and Information Science
from any recognised Institute/
University with 03 years’ experience
in the relevant field in a University /
Research Establishment / Central /
State Govt. / PSU and Library of
other autonomous Institutions.
ii) Knowledge of Computer
B-07 Private Secretary
Level –
35 years i) A Bachelor’s Degree from a
recognized University/Institute.
ii) At least 03 Years experience as
Personal Assistant or 5 years as
Stenographer in a University/
Research establishment/ Central/
State Govt. /PSU and other
autonomous bodies.
iii) English/Hindi Stenography
speed:120 wpm in English or 100
wpm in Hindi
iv) English/Hindi Typing speed: 35
w.p.m. in English or 30
v) Knowledge of computer
Skill Test Norms on Computer:
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 120 w.p.m.
in English/100 w.p.m. in Hindi
Transcription: 50 minutes (English)/
60 minutes (Hindi)
Proficiency in English & good
communication skills.
C-01 Lower Division
Clerk(29-UR + 1
PwBD-BL, 32-ST + 2
PwBD-DH & LD), 5-
Level –
32 years i) A Bachelor’s Degree from any
recognized Institute/University.
ii) English Typing @ 35 wpm OR Hindi
Typing @ 30 wpm(35wpm and
30wpm correspond to 10500KDPH/
9000KDPH on an average of 5 Key
depressions for each work)
iii) Proficiency in Computer Operations.
C-02 Multi Tasking Staff
(13-UR,15-ST + 1
PwBD-AI, 3-OBC, 4-
Level –
32 years i) 10th Pass from a recognized Board.
ITI Pass
C-03 Statistical Assistant
Level –
32 years Bachelor’s Degree in Statistics
Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics
with Statistics as one of the subjects
Bachelor’s degree in Economics
with Statistics as one of the subjects
Bachelor’s degree in Commerce
with Statistics as one of the subjects
C-04 Stenographer
(10-UR, 8-ST, 1-
Level –
32 years i) A Bachelor’s Degree in any
discipline from any recognised
Institute/ University.
ii) Proficiency in Stenography in
English or Hindi with minimum
speed of 80wpm.
iii) Proficiency in Typing in English or
Hindi with minimum speed of 35 /
30 wpm respectively.
iv) Knowledge of Computer
Skill Test Norms on Computer:
Dictation: 10 minutes @ 80 w.p.m.
Transcription: 50 minutes
English/65 minutes Hindi
Desirable Qualifications:
Proficiency in English and good
communication skills.
C-05 Semi Professional
Level –
32 years Master’s Degree in Library Science
and Information Science from any
recognised University/Institution
Bachelor’s Degree in Library/
Library and Information Science
from a recognised Institute/
University with two years relevant
experience in a University/
Research Establishment / Central /
State Govt./ PSU Autonomous
C-06 Junior Library
Level –
32 years i) Bachelor’s degree in Library &
Information Science or equivalent
from a recognized University.
ii) Typing speed of 30 words per
minute in English.
iii) Knowledge of Computer
C-07 Library Attendant
(2-UR, 1-ST-PwBDBL, 1-EWS)
Level –
32 years i) 10+2 or its equivalent examination
from a recognized Board.
ii) Certificate course in Library Science
from a recognized Institution.
iii) One year experience in a
University/ College/ Educational
Institution Library.
iv) Basic knowledge of computer
The relaxation in age shall also be given in respect of the following categories as mentioned
against each:
Category of Persons Extent of age
1. Regular Employees of the Central Govt/State Govt./Central
Universities/UGC maintained deemed to be Universities/other
Central/State autonomous bodies/organisations/Institutions.
As per
Government of
India rules.
2. Ex-Servicemen
The upper age limit for appointment is relaxable for Group ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’
departmental candidates up to 40 years in case of General candidates and 45 years in case
of candidates belonging the SC/ST who has rendered three years continuous regular service
in university in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Govt. of India.

Apply online CTET January 2024

Apply online CTET January 2024 Recently Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued the notification for conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) January 2024 Exam. The Candidates who are eligible can apply CTET January 2024. The links are being provided in the important link section below. Apply online CTET January 2024. Here, has been providing brief

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