
The Study for Government Exams

Competitive Exam's Preparation: SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC MTS, SSC JE, SSC JHT, SSC CAPF & CISF; Banking Exams- IBPS PO, Clerk, SO, IBPS RRB, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI Grade-B, RBI Assistant; Railway Exams- RRB Group-D, JE, NTPC, ALP, SSE, RRB RPF & other one day Exams

RSMSSB Animal Attendant Notification 2023

SPSC Boxing Coach Recruitment 2023
SPSC Chief Coach Recruitment 2023
Sports and Youth Affairs Department, Government of Sikkim.
Advertisement No 28/SPSC/EXAM/2023
Issued Date 28 September 2023
Apply Online Date 28 September 2023
Number of Posts
1. Candidate must be in possession of either Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification issued by the competent authority under relevant orders of the State Government.
2. Should have Valid Local Employment Card issued by the appropriate authority of the Government of Sikkim.
3. Marital Status certificate (for female candidates). In case of married women candidates, COI/SSC of Husband should be enclosed.
4. No Objection Certificate from the Head of Department in case of employed candidate
Minimum Qualification : Persons holding Dronacharya Award / Arjuna Award / Medal Winners at Asians / Olympic Games possessing diploma in coaching.
Other Qualifications : Should have the knowledge of any of the state languages. Should be conversant with the customs and usages of Sikkim.
Candidate should go through the advertisement and read the instructions provided on the
website carefully before applying online. Applications received through any other mode
shall not be accepted and shall be summarily rejected.
E-Admit Cards

SPSC Boxing Coach Recruitment 2023

SPSC Boxing Coach Recruitment 2023
SPSC Chief Coach Recruitment 2023
Sports and Youth Affairs Department, Government of Sikkim.
Advertisement No 28/SPSC/EXAM/2023
Issued Date 28 September 2023
Apply Online Date 28 September 2023
Number of Posts
1. Candidate must be in possession of either Sikkim Subject Certificate or Certificate of Identification issued by the competent authority under relevant orders of the State Government.
2. Should have Valid Local Employment Card issued by the appropriate authority of the Government of Sikkim.
3. Marital Status certificate (for female candidates). In case of married women candidates, COI/SSC of Husband should be enclosed.
4. No Objection Certificate from the Head of Department in case of employed candidate
Minimum Qualification : Persons holding Dronacharya Award / Arjuna Award / Medal Winners at Asians / Olympic Games possessing diploma in coaching.
Other Qualifications : Should have the knowledge of any of the state languages. Should be conversant with the customs and usages of Sikkim.
Candidate should go through the advertisement and read the instructions provided on the
website carefully before applying online. Applications received through any other mode
shall not be accepted and shall be summarily rejected.
E-Admit Cards

HPPSC Veterinary Officer 2023

HPPSC Veterinary Officer 2023
HPPSC Veterinary Officer Recruitment 2023
Veterinary Officer
Department of Animal Husbandry
Himachal Pradesh, Class I Officer Post
Gazetted Post
Government of Himachal Pradesh
Sources of Indian Constitution
National Flags and National Symbols
The Parts and Articles of the Indian Constitution
Governor -General and Viceroys of India
Advertisement Number : 7/10-2023
Online Recruitment Applications (ORA*) are invited from desirous and eligible candidates for
recruitment to 56 post(s) of Veterinary Officer, Class-I (Gazetted) (on contract basis) in the Department
of Animal Husbandry, Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Pay Band Level -18 (Rs. 56100 – 177500)
Essential Qualification(s)
(i) Should possess a degree of B.V.Sc. and A.H. (Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry) from a recognized
University as laid down under the Indian Veterinary Council Act,1984( Act No. 52 of 1984).
(ii) Should be registered with the State Veterinary Council Act, 1984 (Act No. 52 of 1984)
Desirable Qualification
Knowledge of customs manners and dialects of Himachal Pradesh and suitability for appointment in the peculiar conditions prevailing
in the Pradesh.

Female candidates shall be exempted from the examination fee in accordance with the instructions of the
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Incomplete Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) submitted without requisite examination fee/fictitious fee,
scanned photograph & scanned signatures of prescribed size, will be rejected straightway.

A computer Based Test (CBT) or Offline Screening Test of one hourduration having 100 marks consisting of
objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with negative marking for incorrect/ wrong answers as follows:-
I General knowledge of Himachal Pradesh = 30 Marks
II General knowledge of National and International Affairs= 30 Marks
III Knowledge of Hindi language = 20 Marks
IV Knowledge of English language = 20 Marks
A descriptive Subject Aptitude Test (SAT) of three hours duration having 120 marks as per the syllabus to be
decided by the Commission from time to time.
Provided that test shall be conducted in a single slot with same question paper and in different slots with different
sets of question papers depending upon the total number of candidates who have to take the test and the number
of computer terminals available to the commission at the particular date for Computer Based Screening Test. Also
both the Papers will be conducted on the same day in morning and evening sessions at any place in Himachal
Pradesh as per decision of the Commission.
Based on the merit of Paper-I, the answer sheets of Paper-II of the candidates, 20 times of the total number of the
vacancies to be filled up, shall be evaluated. No candidate securing zero or negative marks in Paper-I shall form
part of the merit list.
There shall be negative marking in all the objective type screening tests/ examinations (Computer Based
Test or Offline Test) including those conducted under the notified rules where there is no specific mention about it
in the rules as detailed below:-
(a) For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one fourth (0.25) of the marks
assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(b).If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given
answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question also i.e. one fourth
(0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(c).If a question is left blank i.e. no circle is clicked or encircled/ blackened by the candidate, there will be same
penalty as above for that question also i.e. one fourth (0.25) of the marks assigned to that question will be
deducted as penalty.
(d).Where there are two correct answers instead of one correct answer out of four options (A,B,C,D) of a question,
all those candidates, who will click or encircle/blacken any one of these two correct answers will be awarded
marks allotted to that question.

No. of Posts advertised
Ratio for category wise zone of consideration for scrutiny of documents by th
branch concerned
1 to 10 1:6+3
11 and above 1:5

APSC Scientific Officer 2023

APSC Scientific Officer 2023,
APSC Scientific Officer Recruitment 2023,
S. O. , Scientific Officer (for Regional Forensic Science Laboratories at Silchar, Bongaigaon, Tezpur and Dibrugarh respectively),
Junior Scientific Officer (Mobile Forensic Laboratories),
APSC Exams Last Date,
APSC S. O. Interview Date,
APSC Directorate of Forensic Science, Guwahati
The Parts and Articles of the Indian Constitution
National Flags and National Symbols
Governor -General and Viceroys of India
Name of the Post :. Scientific Officer for Directorate of Forensic Science, Guwahati, Assam.
Pay scale + Grade Pay + Other allowances as admissible to the Assam State Government employees
from time to tirne (per month).
\4.Sc. in Chemistry or M.Sc. in Physics or M.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in Chemistry/ Physics
from a recognized university,
Desirable Qualification :.
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid suppofting Documents.)
Name of the Post :- Scientific Otficer for Regional Forensic Science Laboratories at Silchar, Bongaigaon,
Tezpur and Dibrugarh respectively under the Directorate of Forensic Science, Assam.
Number of the Posts :- 12(Twelve)
Scale of Pav: – Pay scale + Grade Pay + Other allowances as admissible to the Assam State Government employees
from time to time (per month).
Distribution of Posts(Division wise) : –
i. (a) lnstrumentation Division :- 3 (Three) posts
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M,Sc. in Physics with Electronics or M.Sc. in Electronics or M.Sc, in lnstrumentation or Forensic
Science with specialization in Physics with electronics/Electronics/lnshumentation from a recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeU certificate reflecting the subjects.)
(c) Desirable Qualification :.
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents.)
(a) Questioned Documents Division :- 2 (Two) posts
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M,Sc. in Physics or lV.Sc, in Chemistry or lV.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in Physics/Chemistry
from a recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeU certificate reflecting the subjects.)
(c) Desirable Qualification :-
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents)
(a) Druqs and Narcotics Division :- 3 (Three) posts
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Chemistry from a recognized university or M.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in
Chemistry from a recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeU certificate reflecting the sublects.)
(c) Desirable Qualification :-
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents.)
(a) Toxicoloqy Division :- 2 (Two) posts
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Chemistry or M.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in Chemistry from a recognized
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeu certificate reflecting the subjects.)
(c) Desirable Qualification :-
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents)
v. (a) Bioloqv Division :. 1 (One) post
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Zoology or M.Sc. in Botany or M.Sc. in Biotechnology or l\4.Sc. in Anthropology(Physical) or M.Sc. in
Forensic Science with specialization in Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/Anthropology(Physical) from a
recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheet/ certificate reflecting the subjects,)
) Desirable Qualification :-
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents)
(a) Seroloqv Division :- 1 (One) post
(b) Essential Education Qualification i
M.Sc, in Zoology or M.Sc. in Botany or M.Sc. in Biotechnology or lV,Sc. in Anthropology (Physical) or M.Sc. in
Forensic Science with specialization in Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/Anthropology (Physical) from a
recognized university,
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeU certificate reflecting the subjects.)
(c) Desirable Qualification :-
Research/analytical/scientific photography experience.
(Upload valid supporting Documents)
The upper age limit is relaxable :
(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates, i.e. upto 43 years.
(ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i,e. upto 4’1 years as per Govt. Notification No. ABP, 6/2016/9 dated
Dispur the 25th April 2018.
The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Matriculation /HSLC Admit Card or Pass
Certificate issued by a recognized Central/State Board/Council where Age/Date of Birth (D0B) is clearly
reflected. No other document shall be accepted in lieu of the mentioned documents for age proof.
(Upload relevant documents reflecting the proof of age)
Name of the Post :- Junior Scientific Officer for Mobile Forensic Laboratories under the Directorate of
Forensic Science, Assam,
Number of the Post :- 7(Seven)
Scale of Pay: – Pay scale + Grade Pay + Other allowances as admissible to the Assam State Government employees
from time to time (per month).
(a) Bioloqv Division :- 3 (Three) posts.
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Zoology or M.Sc, in Botany or M.Sc. in Biotechnology or lV,Sc. in Anthropology (Physical) or M,Sc. in
Forensic Science with specialization in Zoology/Botany/Biotechnology/ Anthropology (Physical) from a
recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheet/ certificate reflecting the subjects.)

(a) Chemistrv Division :- 2 (Two) posts.
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Chemistry or M.Sc. in Forensic Science with specialization in Chemistry from a recognized
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeU certificate reflecting the subjects.)
(a) Phvsics Division :. 2 (Two) posts.
(b) Essential Education Qualification :-
M.Sc. in Physics or lV,Sc, in Forensic Science with specialization in Physics from a recognized university.
(Upload relevant all semester mark sheeu certificate reflecting the subjects.)

Aqe (for the posts at Sl . (C)l : –
The candidates should not be less than 21 yearsofageandnotmorethan38yearsofageason0l/01/2023.
The upper age limit is relaxable :
(i) By 5 years for SC/ST candidates, i.e. upto 43 years.
(ii) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. upto 41 years as per Govt. Notification No. ABP. 6/2016/9 dated
Dispur the 25’h April 2018.
The age limit of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of the Mahiculation /HSLC Admit Card or Pass
Certificate issued by a recognized Central/State Board/Council where Age/Date of Birth (DOB) is clearly
reflected. No other document shall be accepted in lieu of the mentioned documents for age proof.
(Upload relevant documents reflecting the proof of age)
Eliqibilitv Criteria {for the posts at Sl – (A), (B) & (C)} :-
(i) The candidate must be a permanent resident ofAssam.
. The candidate must upload PRC issued in Assam for educational purpose/Employment Exchange
Registration certificate/ Voter lD card of the candidate or his/her parents will be treated as proof of
residency along with the online application form, State Govt. Employees of Assam need not submit any
documents regarding domicile proof, however, they will have to submit No Objection Certificate
(NOC) from their respective employer.
(Upload necessary documents.)
assam public service commission recruitment 2023
apsc forensic science syllabus


Kerala PSC Vacancies in KERAFED 2023
CATEGORY NO: 300/2023
Part 1 (General Category)
1 Name of concern : Kerala Kerakarshaka Sahakarana Federation Limited
2 Name of post :
Driver cum Office Attendant – Medium/Heavy
Passenger/Goods Vehicle
3 Scale of Pay :
4 Number of Vacancies :
2 (Two)

Differently abled candidates are not eligible to apply for the post.
Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment
18-40. Only candidates born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2005 (Both dates included) are
eligible to apply for this post . Other Backward Communities and SC/ST Candidates are eligible for usual age
relaxation. (For conditions regarding the age relaxation please see part 2 of the General Conditions)
Medical Fitness :
Should be medically fit as per the standard specified below
(i) Ear : Hearing should be perfect.
(ii) Eye : (Both the Eyes)
Distant Vision – 6/6 snellen
Near Vision – 0.5 snellen
Colour Vision – Normal
Night Blindness – Nil
(iii) Muscles and joints : No Paralysis and all Joints with free
(iv) Nervous System : Perfectly normal and free from any
infectious diseases.
kerala kerakarshaka sahakarana federation limited (kerafed) limited
Last date for receipt of application : 01.11.2023 Wednesday up to 12 midnight.
Candidates are required to acquaint themselves with the instructions given in the notification as Part
II,General Conditions before submitting application for the post.Applications which are not submitted in
accordance with the terms and Conditions are liable to be rejected.
CATEGORY NO: 301/2023
Part II (Society Category)
regular employees of
the member societies affiliated to Kerala Kerakarshaka Sahakarana Federation Limited (KERAFED)
Kerala Kerakarshaka Sahakarana Federation Limited
Driver Cum Office Attendant – Medium/Heavy
Passenger/Goods Vehicle
Differently abled candidates are not eligible to apply for the post.
Probation: The period of probation for persons appointed by direct recruitment shall be two years on duty
within a continuous period of three years.

(1) Pass in Standard VII or Equivalent qualification

(2) Must possess a current Motor Driving License to drive Light Motor Vehicles and
Heavy Motor Vehicles with Driver’s Badge. Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License shall
be of at least 3 years standing and in the case of Driving License issued after 16.01.1979
separate endorsement to drive Heavy Duty Goods Vehicles and Heavy Duty Passenger
(The Driving Licence should be valid at all stages of selection, viz, on the date of
application, the last date for receipt of applications, examination, practical test, interview
& the date of appointment).
(3) Medical Fitness :
Should be medically fit as per the standard specified below
(i) Ear : Hearing should be perfect.
(ii) Eye : (Both the Eyes)
Distant Vision – 6/6 snellen
Near Vision – 0.5 snellen
Colour Vision – Normal
Night Blindness – Nil
(iii) Muscles and joints : No Paralysis and all Joints with free
(iv) Nervous System : Perfectly normal and free from any
infectious diseases.
18 – 50 years. Candidates born between 02.01.1973 and 01.01.2005 (Both dates included) are
eligible to apply for the post.
(1) Applicants must have 3 (Three) years regular service in any cadre in the Member
Societies affiliated to the Kerala Kera Karshaka Sahakarana Federation Limited (KERAFED)
and should be in service of the Member Society not only on the date of application but also
on the date of appointment.
(2) Pass in Standard VII or Equivalent qualification
(3) Must possess a current Motor Driving License to drive Light Motor Vehicles and Heavy Motor
Vehicles with Driver’s Badge. Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License shall be of at least 3 years standing and
in the case of Driving License issued after 16.01.1979 separate endorsement to drive Heavy duty Goods
Vehicles and Heavy duty Passengers Vehicles.
(The Driving Licence should be current at all stages of selection, viz, on the date of application, the last date
for receipt of applications, practical test and interview).
(4) Medical Fitness :
Should be medically fit as per the standard specified below
(i) Ear : Hearing should be perfect.
(ii) Eye : (Both the Eyes)
Distant Vision – 6/6 snellen
Near Vision – 0.5 snellen
Colour Vision – Normal
Night Blindness – Nil
(iii) Muscles and joints : No Paralysis and all Joints with free movements.

(iv) Nervous System : Perfectly normal and free from any infectious diseases.
A practical test including ‘T’ test to assess the proficiency in driving will be conducted by the Kerala
Public Service Commission. Only those who qualify in the ‘T’ test will be considered for Road Test.
(2)Candidates should produce a Medical Fitness Certificate from a Medical Officer not below the rank of an
Assistant Surgeon and a medical certificate regarding the vision obtained from an ophthalmologist in
Government Service (in the prescribed form) as and when called for by the Commission. Form of Medical
Certificate are given below.SERVICE CERTIFICATE
CATEGORY NO: 302/2023
1 Department : Insurance Medical Services
2 Name of post : Staff Nurse Gr-II
3 Scale of pay : ₹ 39,300 – 83,000/-
4 Number of Vacancies : District-wise
: Thiruvananthapuram – Anticipatory Vacancy
Kollam – 01(One)
Pathanamthitta – 01(One)
Palakkad – Anticipatory Vacancies

Direct Recruitment
18-44. Only Candidates born between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.2005 (both
dates included) are only eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward Classes and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age
Qualifications :-
1. Pass in S.S.L.C or its equivalent.
2. Successful training for a period of not less than three years in General Sick Nursing.
3. In the case of women candidates successful training for not less than nine months in Midwifery
from an institution recognised by the State Government and in the case of male candidates successful
completion of short term course in one or the other of the Nursing subjects of Venerology, Urology,
Psychiatry or Ophthalmology conducted in a major Hospital.
Note : Those who have undergone successful training for not less than six months in Midwifery will
also be eligible for appointment as Staff Nurse (female) subject to the rules of reservation, rotation.
Preference will be given to candidates who have undergone successful training for not less than nine
months in Midwifery for the purpose of Direct recruitment to the post of Staff Nurse (Female)
4. Certificate of Registration with the Kerala Nurses and Midwifery Council as Nurse in the case of
male candidates and Nurses and Midwives in the case of female candidates.
(i) Those who have got themselves registered with other State/Central Nurses and Midwives Council
could also apply. But they should get themselves registered with the Kerala Nurses and Midwives
Council before taking up appointment under Kerala State Government.
(ii) Differently Abled candidates are not eligible to apply for the post
(iii) Rule 10 (a) (ii) of Part II of KS&SSR is applicable.
In addition to the qualifications prescribed in the notification, the qualifications recognized by
executive orders or standing orders of Government as equivalent to a qualification specified for
the post, in the Special Rules or found acceptable by the Commission in cases where
acceptance of equivalent qualifications is provided for in the rules and such of those qualifications
which pre-suppose the acquisition of the lower qualification prescribed for the post, shall also be
sufficient for the post. The copy of the Government orders declaring equivalent/higher qualifications
shall be produced as and when required by the Commission
Last date of receipt of applications : 01.11.2023 Wednesday up to 12 midnight.
If Written/OMR/Online Test is conducted as part of this selection, candidates shall submit a
confirmation for writing the examination through their One Time Registration profile. Such
candidates alone can generate and download the Admission Tickets in the last 15 days till the date of
Test. The applications of candidates who do not submit confirmation within the stipulated period will
be rejected absolutely. The periods regarding the submission of confirmation and the availability of
Admission Tickets will be published in the Examination Programme itself. Information in this regard
will be given to the candidates in their respective profiles and in the mobile phone number registered
in it. Candidates who have downloaded the Admission Ticket alone will be permitted to attend the

CATEGORY NO: 303/2023
Insurance Medical Services
Pharmacist Gr-II

18-36. Only Candidates born between 02.01.1987 and 01.01.2005
(both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward Classes and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age
Qualifications :-
General : Pass in Pre-Degree/Plus Two/Vocational Higher Secondary Education (all in Science
Technical : (i) Diploma in Pharmacy or its equivalent.
(ii) Registration with the Kerala State Pharmacy Council.
CATEGORY NO: 304/2023
1. Department : Health Services
2. Name of post : Pharmacist Gr.II
3. Scale of pay : ₹ 35,600-75,400/-
4. Number of vacancies : District-wise
Alappuzha Anticipated Vacancies

(i) Pre -Degree/Plus Two/VHSE
(ii) Diploma in Pharmacy (D-Pharm)
(iii) Registration with Kerala State Pharmacy Council
CATEGORY NO: 307/2023
Part I (Direct Recruitment)

Department : Excise
2. Name of Post : Civil Excise Officer (Trainee) (Male)
Note: Differently abled candidates are not eligible to apply for the post
3. Scale of pay : ₹.27900 – 63700/-

Educational : Must have passed th Plus Two Examination or its equivalent.
CATEGORY NO: 308/2023
(Part II – By Transfer)

1. Department : Excise
2. Name of post : Civil Excise Officer (Trainee)
3. Scale of pay : ₹.27900 – 63700/-
4. Number of Vacancies: : District wise
Educational: Must have passed the Plus Two examination or its equivalent.
Physical: For Recruitment from among the male members of the Last Grade Service in
the Excise Department, the minimum height shall be 162 cms and female members the
minimum height shall be 152 cms.
CATEGORY NO: 309/2023

Soil Survey and Soil Conservation Department
2. Name of post : Work Superintendent
CATEGORY NO: 311/2023

1. Department : N.C.C.
2. Name of post :
Boat Keeper (From among Ex-servicemen/Disembodied Territorial
Army Personnel only)
3. Scale of pay : ₹.23700 – 52600/-
(1) Literacy in Malayalam, Tamil or Kannada.
(2) Must know Swimming
(3) Must possess good physique
(4) Knowledge in simple boat handling

Desirable :-
1) Previous experience as Boat Keeper
2) Knowledge in Painting and Maintenance of boats
CATEGORY NO: 312/2023
1.Name of Department : Fire and Rescue Services
2. Name of Post : Woman Fire & Rescue Officer (Trainee)

Qualifications :
I) Educational Qualifications:-
Pass in Plus Two or its equivalent.
Preferential : Diploma in Computer Application
CATEGORY NO: 313/2023
1 Department : Animal Husbandry
2. Name of Post : Veterinary Surgeon Gr.II
3. Scale of pay : ₹ 55200-115300/-
4. Number of vacancy : SCCC-2 (Two)

Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment (From among candidates belonging to the
Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity (SCCC )community)
Note:-Applications of candidates belonging to communities other than
SCCC will be summarily rejected. Individual communication regarding
the rejection of their application will not be issued.

1. Degree in Veterinary Science.
2. Registration with the Kerala State Veterinary Council as envisaged
in the Indian Veterinary Council Act,1984 (Central Act of 52 of 1984)
3.Working knowledge in Malayalam.
CATEGORY NO: 314/2023
1 Name of concern : Kerala State Co-operative Rubber Marketing
Federation Limited
2 Name of post : Field Officer
3 Scale of Pay : ₹ 4980-12260/-
4 Number of Vacancy : Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava – 1 (One)
1. Must have completed 3 years regular service in any cadre in the Member Societies affiliated to the
Kerala State Co-operative Rubber Marketing Federation Limited Candidates selected under
this Category should be in service of the Member Society not only on the date of application but
also on the date of appointment.
2. B.Sc (Chemistry/Botany)
3. At least two years experience in the sales division of a Fertilizer Agriculture input Marketing

Kerala PSC Posts 2023

CATEGORY NO: 104/2023 – 110/2023
Kerala State Financial Enterprises Limited
Peon/Watchman (Direct Recruitment from among the Part-Time employees
in KSFE Limited)-NCA- Hindu Nadar,Muslim,OBC, Ezhava/ Thiyya/
Billava, Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity, Latin Catholics/Anglo
Indian, Scheduled Tribe
No.of vacancies : 08 (Eight)
Direct Recruitment (From among employees working in the category of Part Time
Sweeper cum Scavenger, Packer, Despatcher, Gardener in the KSFE Limited
having not less than 3 years of service and belonging to Hindu Nadar, Muslim,
OBC, Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity, Latin
Catholics/Anglo Indian and Scheduled Tribe community only)
33 ⅓ % of vacancies by direct recruitment is reserved for Part-Time
Sweeper cum Scavenger, Gardener, Packer, Despatcher in the KSFE
The first vacancy will be filled up by Part-Time Sweeper cum
Scavenger,Packer, Despatcher,Gardener and the next two vacancies by
open market candidates.
Qualifications : 1. Pass in Standard VI (New) or equivalent.
2. Not less than 3 years service in the company as on the date of
CATEGORY NO: 111/2023 – 115/2023
1. Name of concern : Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited.
2. Name of post : Sales Assistant GR II
Direct Recruitment from among the eligible employees belonging to
Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya, Scheduled Caste, Muslim, Latin Catholic/Anglo Indian, OBC Communities of the
Member Societies affiliated to Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited.
1) Must have 3 years regular service in any cadre in the Member Societies affiliated to the
Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited. Candidates selected under this
Category should be in service of the Member Society not only on the date of application but
also on the date of appointment to the new post.
2) Degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
3) Should have studied Hindi atleast upto +2 level
4) Typewriting English (Lower) KGTE
Successful completion of a course not less than six months duration in Computer Application
recognized by State or Central Government.
CATEGORY NO: 116/2023 – 118/2023
1. Department : Indian Systems of Medicine
2. Name of Post : Nurse Gr-II (Ayurveda)
3. Scale of pay : ₹ 27,900 – 63,700/-
4. No. of vacancies : District wise
Direct Recruitment (From candidates belonging to , Muslim, LC/AI,
and Ezhava communities of Kerala State Only).
Note: Applications of candidates belonging to communities other
than those mentioned in this notification will be summarily rejected.
No rejection memo will be issued to these candidates.
Qualifications :-
I) SSLC or equivalent qualification
II) Certificate in Ayurveda Nurses course recognized by the Government of Kerala.

Kerala PSC Education Department

Kerala PSC Vacancies in Education Dept. 2023
Kerala PSC Education Department
CATEGORY NO: 305/2023
kerala public service commission education department
kerala public service commission education qualification
kerala public service commission
kerala psc thulasi
kerala psc login
kerala public service commission website
kerala public service commission result
kerala public service commission address
Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS
District wise
Direct Recruitment
Age Limit : 18-40. Candidates should be born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2005
(Both dates included). SC/ST candidates and Other Backward
Communities are eligible for usual age relaxation.
A degree in Arabic conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A Title of Oriental Learning in Arabic awarded or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A Pass in Pre-Degree with Part III Arabic (Special Optional) of the Calicut University.
A Pass in Plus Two, Part III Arabic (Optional) course conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary
Examination in Kerala
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala
with Arabic under Part I and Part II First Language.
A pass in SSLC examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala
or its equivalent ; and any one of the following qualifications
1) A Pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Higher) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala.
2) A Pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Lower) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala.
3) A Pass in Arabic Teachers Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala.
4) A Pass in Arabic Entrance Examination of the Kerala and Calicut Universities.
In addition to the above qualifications, as per G.O. (Ms) No.8/19/G.Edn dated 14.01.2019,
BA Arabic & Islamic History double main degree awarded or recognised by Universities in
Kerala will also be considered as a qualification for the above said post.
Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test-IV (K-TET-IV) for this post conducted by the
Government of Kerala
CATEGORY NO: 306/2023
U.P School Teacher (Tamil Medium)
A Ranked List will be prepared for the above district in pursuance of this notification. Ranked
List thus prepared and published as per this notification shall remain in force for a minimum
period of one year and a maximum period of 3 years provided the said list will not continue in
force if a new list is published after the expiry of the minimum period of one year. Candidates
will be advised for appointment against the aforesaid vacancies and also against the
vacancies, if any reported during the currency of the List.
18 – 40. Only candidates born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2005
(both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for
usual age relaxation.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala or its equivalent.
A pass in Pre-degree examination conducted by any of the Universities in Kerala or any
examination recognized by any such Universities in Kerala as equivalent to Pre-degree
A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary
Examinations, Kerala or any other Examinations recognized by Government as equivalent
A pass in TTC (Tamil) Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala.
A Degree in any subject and B.Ed/B.T/L.T (Tamil) conferred or recognized by the
Universities in Kerala.
Note :- As per G.O(R.T) No.3280/13/G.Edn dated 05.08.13, the TTC qualification has
been renamed as D.Ed (Diploma in Teacher Education) and subsequently as per
G.O(R.T)No.1700/18/G.Edn.Dated 05.05.18 and G.O(R.T)No.2009/18/G.Edn dated
30.05.18 again renamed as D.El.Ed(Diploma in Elementary Education). The candidates
who possess D.Ed/D.El.Ed qualification shall also be considered for the selection.

Note : The Degrees/Diplomas awarded by UGC approved Universities or Institutions
established through an act passed by Parliament/State Legislative Assembly in accordance
with the conditions laid down in G.O(M.S)No.526/65/PD dated 17.07.1965 are acceptable
for appointment in Government Services.
Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) for this post conducted by
the Government of Kerala.
1. Candidates who have qualified CTET/NET/SET/M.Phil/Ph.D in the respective subject/
M.Ed in any subject are exempted from acquiring TET (G.O.(P) No. 145/16/G.Edn. Dated
30.08.16, G.O.(P)No.206/16/ G.Edn.Dated 08.12.2016 and G.O(P)No.15/2020/G.Edn
Dated 09.10.20).
2. As per the conditions laid down in Government Circular No. 1866829/J3/2017/G. Edn.(i)
M.Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or
recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala.
In the absence of candidates with TTC (Tamil) of Kerala and B.Ed (Tamil) holders from
the Universities of Kerala, candidates with TTC (Tamil) of Madras or candidates with
Diploma in Teacher Education (Regular) of Tamil Nadu Government shall be considered
for appointment.
All Degrees including B.Tech, BCA which are fixed as criteria for B Ed admission
conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala are also considered as academic
qualification for this post. (G.O(MS) No. 215/2022/G.Edn. dtd 23.11.2022.)
If there is a written (Descriptive/OMR) test the Question paper for the written test will be
in Tamil. The candidates should answer the questions in Tamil. In the case of OMR
Answer Script, answers are to be marked as instructed.
KS & SSR part II Rule 10 a (ii) is applicable for selection to this post.
In addition to the qualification prescribed in the notification, the qualifications recognized
by executive orders or standing orders of Government as equivalent to a qualification
specified for a post, in the Special Rules and such of those qualifications which presuppose the acquisition of the lower qualification prescribed for the post, shall also be
sufficient for the post. The copy of the Government orders declaring equivalent/higher
qualifications shall be produced as and when required by the Commission.
CATEGORY NO: 310/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS
(i) One (01) vacancy each (DA-LowVision) in Kollam &
Kottayam districts and Two (02) vacancies (DA-Low Vision,
Hearing Impaired) in Kozhikode district for the Post of Part Time
Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) LPS in Education Department
set apart as per PWD Act 2016 due to the non availability of DA
candidates in the previous Ranked Lists for this post, will be
filled up from the candidates in the same DA Categories from the
Ranked Lists published for the respective districts as per this
Notification. If candidates are not available in the respective DA
category, the vacancy will be filled up from other available DA
categories and in the absence of DA candidates, the vacancy will
be filled up from General Category.
(ii) One vacancy noted above against Thiruvananthapuram is NJD
from DA Low Vision, will be filled up from the same category
only in the Ranked List published as per this notification.
18-40. Candidates should be born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2005
(Both dates included). SC/ST candidates and Other Backward
Communities are eligible for usual age relaxation.
1 A degree in Arabic conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A Title of Oriental Learning in Arabic awarded or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A Pass in Pre-Degree with Part III Arabic (Special Optional) of the Calicut University.
A Pass in Plus Two, Part III Arabic (Optional) course conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary
Examination in Kerala
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala
with Arabic under Part I and Part II First Language.
A pass in SSLC examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala
or its equivalent ; and any one of the following qualifications.
1) A Pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Higher) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala.
2) A Pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Lower) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala.
3) A Pass in Arabic Teachers Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala.
4) A Pass in Arabic Entrance Examination of the Kerala and Calicut Universities.
In addition to the above qualifications, as per G.O. (Ms) No.8/19/G.Edn dated 14.01.2019,
BA Arabic & Islamic History double main degree awarded or recognised by Universities in
Kerala will also be considered as a qualification for the above said post.
Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test-IV (K-TET-IV) for this post conducted by the
Government of Kerala
CATEGORY NO: 315/2023
Full Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
18-43. Only Candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.2005 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for this post (Including the relaxation as per para
2(i) of General conditions)
1 A degree in Arabic conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A title of Oriental Learning in Arabic awarded or recognized by the Universities in Kerala
A Pass in Pre-degree with Part III Arabic (Special Optional) of the Calicut University.
A pass in Plus two, Part III, Arabic (optional) course conducted by the Board of Higher
Secondary Examinations. Kerala.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala with Arabic under Part I and Part II First Language.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala or its equivalent and any one of the following qualifications.
(i) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Higher) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(ii) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination (Lower) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(iii) A pass in Arabic Teachers Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala
(iv) A pass in Arabic Entrance Examination of the Kerala/Calicut Universities.
In addition to the above qualifications, as per GO (MS) 8/19/G.Edn dated 14.01.2019, BA Arabic
& Islamic History double main degree awarded or recognised by Universities in Kerala will also
be considered as a qualification for the above said post.
2 Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test-IV (K-TET-IV) for this post conducted by
the Government of Kerala
CATEGORY NO: 316/2023 – 318/2023
U P School Teacher (Tamil Medium)
(1) A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations, Kerala
or its equivalent.
A pass in Pre-degree examination conducted by any of the Universities in Kerala or any examination
recognized by any such Universities in Kerala as equivalent to Pre-degree examination.
A pass in Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the Board of Higher Secondary
Examinations, Kerala or any other Examinations recognized by Government as equivalent thereto.
A pass in TTC (Tamil) Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
A Degree in any subject and B.Ed/B.T/L.T (Tamil) conferred or recognized by the Universities in
1. Candidates who have qualified CTET/NET/SET/M.Phil/Ph.D in the respective subjects /
M.Ed. in any subject are exempted from acquiring TET (G.O. (P) No. 145/16/G.Edn. Dated
30.08.16, G.O.(P)No.206/16/G.Edn. Dated 08.12.2016 and G.O (P)No.15/2020/G.Edn
dated 9.10.20)
2. As per the conditions laid down in Government Circular No. 1866829/J3/2017/ G. Edn.
Dated 09.03.2018 those who passes CTET primary stage and CTET Elementary stage were
excluded from KTET Cat.I & KTET Cat. II respectively. Also CTET qualification can’t be
considered as an alternative qualification for KTET Cat. III and Cat. IV.
CATEGORY NO: 322/2023 – 325/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
Method of
: Direct Recruitment (from the candidates belonging to Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava,
Dheevara, Viswakarma and Scheduled Tribe communities communities only)
18-43, Only Candidates born between 02.01.1980 and 01.01.2005 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for this post (Including the relaxation as per para
2(i) of General conditions)
18-45, Only Candidates born between 02.01.1978 and 01.01.2005 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for this post in the case of Scheduled Tribe
community (Including the relaxation as per para 2(i) of General conditions)
(i) M.Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or
recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala.
(ii) In the absence of candidates with TTC (Tamil) of Kerala, and B.Ed Tamil holders from the
Universities in Kerala, candidates with TTC (Tamil) of Madras or candidates with Diploma in
Teacher Education (Regular) of Tamil Nadu Government shall be considered for appointment.
1 A degree in Arabic conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A title of Oriental Learning in Arabic awarded or recognized by the Universities in Kerala
A Pass in Pre-degree with Part III Arabic (Special Optional) of the Calicut University.
A pass in Plus two, Part III, Arabic (optional) course conducted by the Board of Higher
Secondary Examinations Kerala.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala with Arabic under Part I and Part II First Language.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala or its equivalent and any one of the following qualifications.
(i) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination(Higher) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(ii) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination(Lower) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(iii) A pass in Arabic Teachers Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala
(iv) A pass in Arabic Entrance Examination of the Kerala/Calicut Universities.
Note: In addition to the above qualifications, as per GO (MS) 8/19/G.Edn dated 14.01.2019 BA Arabic
& Islamic History double main degree awarded or recognised by Universities in Kerala will also
be considered as a qualification for the above said post.
2 Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test-IV (K-TET-IV) for this post conducted by
the Government of Kerala
CATEGORY NO: 326/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
Malappuram 02.08.2013 292/10
Candidates shall submit application for the post to Malappuram district where the vacancy is
existing for the respective community and shall note the name of that district against the
relevant column in the online application.
The selection in pursuance of this notification will be made on a revenue district basis,
subject to the special conditions laid down in G.O (Ms) No. 154/71/PD dated, 27.05.1971. A
candidate advised for appointment in one revenue district from the Ranked List prepared is not
eligible for transfer to another district unless he/she completes five years continuous service
from the date of commencement of service in former district. Even if transfer is allowed after
five years, it will be subject to the rules in G.O(MS) No.4/61/PD dated, 02.01.1961. But as per
the G.O.(P)No.12/96 P&ARD dated 16.3.1996 the conditions of 5 years Service is not
applicable for transfer to the districts Idukki, Wayanad and Kasaragod. The concession will be
available only for getting transfer to these districts but not for getting transfer out of these
districts. And these concession will be granted only once in the career of a Govt. Servant.
Candidates already in Government service holding this post in any one district are prohibited
from applying again for this post, but they can apply to higher posts when notified.
Method of
: Direct Recruitment (from the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste
community only ; In the absence of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castecommunity, candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribe will be considered ) .
1 A degree in Arabic conferred or recognized by the Universities in Kerala.
A title of Oriental Learning in Arabic awarded or recognized by the Universities in Kerala
A Pass in Pre-degree with Part III Arabic (Special Optional) of the Calicut University.
A pass in Plus two, Part III, Arabic (optional) course conducted by the Board of Higher
Secondary Examinations. Kerala.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala with Arabic under Part I and Part II First Language.
A pass in SSLC Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government Examinations,
Kerala or its equivalent and any one of the following qualifications.
(i) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination(Higher) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(ii) A pass in Arabic Munshi Examination(Lower) conducted by the Commissioner for
Government Examinations, Kerala
(iii) A pass in Arabic Teachers Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala
(iv) A pass in Arabic Entrance Examination of the Kerala/Calicut Universities.
CATEGORY NO: 327/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
CATEGORY NO: 328/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
CATEGORY NO: 329/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS
CATEGORY NO: 330/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – UPS
CATEGORY NO: 331/2023
Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Sanskrit)

Kerala PSC Medical Education Services 2023

Kerala Medical Education Service
Assistant Professor in Oral Medicine and Radiology
As Per UGC Norms
Anticipated Vacancies
Kerala Government Service.
One Time Registration Scheme through the official website of Kerala Public
Service Commission
Direct Recruitment.
Only candidates born between 02.01.1982 and 01.01.1999
(both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post with usual
relaxation to Scheduled castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other
Backward Communities (for other conditions regarding age
relaxations please see Para 2 of the General conditions).
Qualifications : (1) Post Graduate Degree (MDS) in Oral Medicine and Radiology
from a recognised University approved by the Dental Council
of India.
(2) State Dental Council Permanent Registration.
(3) Three Years Teaching Experience.
kerala medical education department
kerala assistant professor recruitment
kerala public service commission notification
kerala psc thulasi
Assistant Professor in Oral Pathology and Microbiology
Assistant Professor in Community Dentistry
Assistant Professor in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Qualifications : (1) Post Graduate Degree (MDS) in Oral Pathology and
Microbiology from a recognised University approved by the
Dental Council of India.
(2) State Dental Council Permanent Registration.
(3) Three Years Teaching Experience.
Qualifications : (1) Post Graduate Degree (MDS) in Community Dentistry from a
recognised University approved by the Dental Council of
(2) State Dental Council Permanent Registration.
(3) Three Years Teaching Experience.
Qualifications : (1) Post Graduate Degree (MDS) in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
from a recognised University approved by the Dental Council
of India.
(2) State Dental Council Permanent Registration.
(3) Three Years Teaching Experience.
Post Graduate study period for Medical Subjects will be considered as teaching experience for appointment as Assistant Professor provided the candidates have undergone Residency
Programme during the Post Graduate Course period and in the case of candidates who
have passed the Post Graduate Course without undergoing residency programme a
certificate shall be produced by the candidate from the Principal of the College to the
effect that the candidate has got teaching/clinical work experience during the Post
Graduate Course period.
3 Provisional Registration with any Medical Council will not be accepted.
The genuineness of the experience certificate shall be subjected to verification and legal
action will be taken against those candidates who produce bogus experience certificates.

Kerala PSC Posts 2023

CATEGORY NO: 104/2023 – 110/2023
Kerala State Financial Enterprises Limited
Peon/Watchman (Direct Recruitment from among the Part-Time employees
in KSFE Limited)-NCA- Hindu Nadar,Muslim,OBC, Ezhava/ Thiyya/
Billava, Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity, Latin Catholics/Anglo
Indian, Scheduled Tribe
No.of vacancies : 08 (Eight)
Direct Recruitment (From among employees working in the category of Part Time
Sweeper cum Scavenger, Packer, Despatcher, Gardener in the KSFE Limited
having not less than 3 years of service and belonging to Hindu Nadar, Muslim,
OBC, Ezhava/Thiyya/Billava Scheduled Caste Converted to Christianity, Latin
Catholics/Anglo Indian and Scheduled Tribe community only)
33 ⅓ % of vacancies by direct recruitment is reserved for Part-Time
Sweeper cum Scavenger, Gardener, Packer, Despatcher in the KSFE
The first vacancy will be filled up by Part-Time Sweeper cum
Scavenger,Packer, Despatcher,Gardener and the next two vacancies by
open market candidates.
Qualifications : 1. Pass in Standard VI (New) or equivalent.
2. Not less than 3 years service in the company as on the date of
CATEGORY NO: 111/2023 – 115/2023
1. Name of concern : Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited.
2. Name of post : Sales Assistant GR II
Direct Recruitment from among the eligible employees belonging to
Ezhava/Billava/Thiyya, Scheduled Caste, Muslim, Latin Catholic/Anglo Indian, OBC Communities of the
Member Societies affiliated to Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited.
1) Must have 3 years regular service in any cadre in the Member Societies affiliated to the
Kerala State Co-operative Coir Marketing Federation Limited. Candidates selected under this
Category should be in service of the Member Society not only on the date of application but
also on the date of appointment to the new post.
2) Degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
3) Should have studied Hindi atleast upto +2 level
4) Typewriting English (Lower) KGTE
Successful completion of a course not less than six months duration in Computer Application
recognized by State or Central Government.
CATEGORY NO: 116/2023 – 118/2023
1. Department : Indian Systems of Medicine
2. Name of Post : Nurse Gr-II (Ayurveda)
3. Scale of pay : ₹ 27,900 – 63,700/-
4. No. of vacancies : District wise
Direct Recruitment (From candidates belonging to , Muslim, LC/AI,
and Ezhava communities of Kerala State Only).
Note: Applications of candidates belonging to communities other
than those mentioned in this notification will be summarily rejected.
No rejection memo will be issued to these candidates.
Qualifications :-
I) SSLC or equivalent qualification
II) Certificate in Ayurveda Nurses course recognized by the Government of Kerala.

Kerala PSC Recruitment 2023

Kerala PSC Recruitment 2023

Kerala PSC Drugs Control and Various Dept. 2023

CATEGORY NO: 085/2023
Harbour Engineering Department
Assistant Engineer /Head Draftsman (Civil)
Direct Recruitment from the Staff in the Subordinate Service of
Harbour Engineering Department having not less than 6(Six) years
of service and who possess the qualifications prescribed for Direct
Recruitment to the category of Assistant Engineer / Head Draftsman
The upper age limit for open market candidates shall not be
applicable in the case of candidates belonging to the category of
Draftsman Grade I/ Overseer Grade I/Draftsman Grade II/ Overseer
Grade II or clerks in the Harbour Engineering Subordinate Service .
B.Sc / B.Tech Degree in Engineering (Civil) of the Kerala
University or any other qualification recognised as equivalent
Associate Membership Diploma of the Institution of Engineers
(India) in Civil Engineering or any other Diploma recognised as
equivalent thereto.
Pass in Sections A and B of the Associate Membership Examination
of the Institution of Engineers (India) in Civil Engineering
CATEGORY NO: 086/2023
Drugs Control
Drugs Inspector
Direct Recruitment
21-36. Only candidates born between 02.01.1987 and 01.01.2002
(both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual
age relaxation. (
Degree in Pharmacy of a recognized University.
CATEGORY NO: 087/2023
Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education
Non- Vocational Teacher (Junior) in Geography
Anticipated Vacancies
Direct Recruitment
23 – 40. Only candidates born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2000
(both dates are included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age
1) Post-graduate Degree in Geography with not less than 50% marks awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or an equivalent qualification.
Note :
Relaxation of 5% marks in the Post Graduation will be given to SC/ST and Differently
Abled candidates as per G.O.(Ms) No.288/15/Gl.Edn. Dated 13.11.15
2) i. B.Ed Degree in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by a University of Kerala.
ii. In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject, B.Ed. Degree acquired after a
regular course of study in the concerned faculty as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the
universities in Kerala.
iii.In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in item (i) and (ii) above, persons with
B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in
Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
iv. In the absence of B.Ed. Degree holders candidates having Masters Degree with not less than 50%
marks and who have passed SET will be considered. Preference will be given to candidates having
Ph.D. or M.Phil. or qualified as Junior Research Fellowship/NET. The Teachers appointed under this
provision will have to acquire B.Ed. Degree at their own expense within 5 years from the date of en –
try in service.
v. Persons who have acquired M.Ed. in the subject concerned after a regular course of study and recognised by any of the Universities in Kerala are exempted from B.Ed. qualifications.
3) Must have passed the State Eligibility Test for the post of Non-Vocational Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the Agency authorized by the State Government.
Non-Qualifying M.Phil – 2 marks
Non-Qualifying Ph.D – 4 marks
Both M.Phil and Ph.D (Non-Qualifying) – 5 marks
Post Doctoral Fellowship – 2 marks
1) Those persons who have passed the State Level Eligibility Test for the post of College Lecturers
conducted by Government of Kerala are exempted from the State Eligibility Test for Non-Vocational
2) Those persons who have passed the State Eligibility Test for the post of HSST conducted by
Government of Kerala are exempted from State Eligibility Test for Non-Vocational Teacher.
3) Those persons who have passed National Eligibility Test/ Junior Research Fellowship shall be
exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test.
4) Persons with Ph.D/ M.Phil/ M.Ed. Degree shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test
provided the M.Phil in the concerned subject be one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or
recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala.
5) Those who have submitted Ph.D Thesis and passed M.Phil shall be exempted from SET upto the time
of exemption granted by the UGC from time to time as in the case of candidates having the above
qualifications from passing NET.
CATEGORY NO:088/2023
1. Department : Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education
2. Name of Post : Non- Vocational Teacher (Junior) in Mathematics
23 – 40. Only candidates born between 02.01.1983 and 01.01.2000
(both dates are included) are eligible to apply for this post. Other
Backward communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age
1) Post-graduate Degree in Mathematics with not less than 50% marks awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or an equivalent qualification.
Note :
Relaxation of 5% marks in the Post Graduation will be given to SC/ST and Differently
Abled candidates as per G.O.(Ms) No.288/15/Gl.Edn. Dated 13.11.15
2) i. B.Ed Degree in the concerned subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by a University of Kerala.
ii. In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject, B.Ed. Degree acquired after a
regular course of study in the concerned faculty as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the
universities in Kerala.
iii.In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in item (i) and (ii) above, persons with
B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in
Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala.
CATEGORY NO: 089/2023
1. Name of Concern : Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited
2. Name of Post : Deputy General Manager
3. Scale of Pay : ₹ 40690-97800/-
Only candidates born between 02/01/1978 and 01/01/2005 (both dates included) are eligible
to apply for this post. Other Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for usual age
1. Masters Degree in Business Administration or any other equivalent qualification in Banking or
Finance as the main subject, from a UGC recognized University or National institute established by
Central Government or institute established by Government of Kerala .
Membership of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
2. 15 (Fifteen) years experience in Kerala State Co-operative Bank / Kerala State Co-operative
Agricultural and Rural Development Bank / Nationalized Banks / Scheduled Banks, of which 5 (Five)
years service will be in the cadre of Assistant General Manager / Senior Manager
15 (Fifteen) years service as an officer in any scheduled bank in which 3 (Three) years service will
be in the Cadre of Assistant General Manager / Chief Manager
CATEGORY NO: 090/2023
1. Name of Concern : Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited
2. Name of Post : Deputy General Manager
3. Scale of Pay : ₹ 40690-97800/-
Every person appointed to this post shall, from the date on which he/she joins duty be on
probation for continuous period one year on duty within a continuous period of two years.
Age Limit : 18 – 50 years. Only candidates born between 02/01/1973 and 01/01/2005 (both dates
included) are eligible to apply for this post.
1. Must have 3 (Three) years regular service in any cadre in the member societies affiliated to the
Kerala State Co-operative Bank Limited and should be in the service of the member society not only
on the date of application but also on the date of appointment.
2. Masters Degree in Business Administration or any other equivalent qualification in Banking or
Finance as the main subject, from a UGC recognized University or National institute established by
Central Government or institute established by Government of Kerala

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