Zoology Syllabus for UP PCS Mains

Zoology Paper-I
(Non Chordata, Chordata, Ecology, Ethology, Biostatistics and Economic
Section-A: Non-chordata and chordata
- Animal Diversity: General survey, Classification and Interrelationships of following Phyla.
- Protozoa: Locomotion, Nutrition and Reproduction, Human parasitic protozoa and diseases.
- Porifera: Canal system; Skeleton and Reproduction.
- Cnidaria: Polymorphism; Coral reefs; Metagenesis.
- Platyhelminthes: Parasitic adaptations and host-parasite relationships.
- Annelida: Adaptive radiation in Polychaeta.
- Arthopoda: Larval forms and parasitism in crustacean; Appendages of prawn; Vision and respiration in Arthopoda; Social life and metamorphosis in insects.
- Mollusca: Respiration, Pearl formation.
- Echinodermata: General organization, larval forms and affinities.
- Chordata: Origin; Origin of tetrapods.
- Pisces: Respiration; Migration; Lung fishes.
- Amphibia: Neoteny and paedogenesis; parental care.
- Reptilia: Skull type; Dinosaurs
- Aves: Aerial adaptations, Migration, Respiration, Flightless birds.
- Mammalia: Dentition; Prototheria and Metatheria; Skin derivatives of Eutheria.
SECTION-B: Ecology, Ethology, Biostatistics and Economic Zoology
- Ecology: Abiotic and biotic factors; Interspecific and intraspecific relations, Ecological succession; Different types of biomes; Biogeochemical cycles; Food web; Ozone layer and Biosphere; Pollution of air, water and land.
- Ethology: Types of animal behaviour; Role of hormones and pheromones in behaviour; Methods of studying Animal behaviour; Biological Rhythms.
- Biostatistics: Sampling methods; frequency distribution and measures of central tendency; standard deviation and standard error; correlation and regression; chi- square and t-tests.
- Economic Zoology: Insect pests of crops (Paddy, Gram and Sugarcane) and stored grains; Apiculture, Sericulture, Lac culture; Pisciculture and Oyster culture.
Zoology Paper-II
(Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Systematics, Biochemistry, Physiology
and Developmental Biology)
SECTION-A: Cell Biology, Genetics, Evolution and Systematics
- Cell Biology: Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Electron microscopic structure of eukaryotic cells; Cell membrane- structure, functions and transport mechanisms cell organelles- structure and function; Cytoskeleton; Cell cycle; Cell division-Mitosis and Meiosis; Spindle formation and chromosome movement.
- Genetics: Mendelian laws of inheritance; Structure of eukaryotic chromosome; giant and lamp- brush chromosomes; Linkage; concept of gene, gene mapping; Sex chromosomes and sex determination; Sex linked traits; Gene interactions (codominance, multiple alleles, Lethal genes, Epistatic and Hypostatic genes, Polygenic inheritance); Variation-its types and sources; chromosomal and gene mutations; Human genetic diseases (Sickle cell anaemia, Down’s, Turner’s and Klenefelter’s syndromes); Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Recombinant DNA technology-basic principles, tools, vectors and applications; Transgenic animals.
- Evolution: Origin of life- Theories and experimental evidence; Evolution- theories; Natural selection; Variation; Calculating allele frequencies (Hardy- Weinberg Method); Concept of species and sub-species; Mechanisms of speciation, Island species; Crypsis- Overview and varieties of crypsis.
- Systematics: Principles of Taxonomy; Zoological nomenclature; Fossils; Geological eras; Phylogeny of horse and elephant; Origin and evolution of man; Continental distribution of animals; Zoogeographical realms of the world and their characteristic fauna.
SECTION-B: Biochemistry, Physiology and Development Biology
- Biochemistry: Structure, classification and biological functions of Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids and Nucleic acids, Watson and Crick model of DNA; Genetic code; Protein- biosynthesis; Biological oxidations; High energy compounds; Electron transport chain; Oxidative phosphorylation; Glycolysis and Krebs/TCA cycle; Enzymes- Nomenclature, classification, Factors affecting enzyme activity and mechanism of action, Vitamins- dietary sources, biochemical functions, deficiency symptoms, Hypervitaminosis A; Innate and Aquired immunity; immune cells; Immunoglobulins; cytokines (Interleukins).
- Physiology (with special reference to mammals): Homeostasis; open and closed circulatory system, Neurogenic and Myogenic hearts; Blood composition, functions clotting and blood-groups; Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport; The cardiac cycle; Neural and Hormonal regulation of heart rate; Mechanism of breathing and its regulation, formation of urine; Homeostatic functions of kidney; Thermoregulation in thermoconformer and thermoregulator animals; Nerve impulse- axonal and synaptic transmission; neurotransmitters; Digestion and absorption of carbohydrate, protein, fats and nucleic acid, control of secretion of digestive juices; Muscle-types, structure and mechanism of contraction; structure and functions of human eye and ear; the mechanism of photoreception, hearing and balance; Hormones-Endocrine, Paracrine and Autocrine; Types of hormone; Mechanisms of hormone action; Types of hormone receptors; Roles of hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, gonad and pineal hormones; Regulation of Menstrual cycle; Menarche and Menopause.
- Development Biology: Gametogenesis, fertilization, cleavage and gastrulation in Branchiostoma, frog and chick; Types of eggs; Fate maps of gastrula of frog and chick; Metamorphosis in frog and insects and its hormonal control; Formation of extra embryonic membrance in chicks; Types of placenta in mammals, Organiser phenomenon, Organogenesis of brain, eye and heart; Regeneration; Genetic control of development.
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