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Kerala PSC Various Posts 2023

Kerala PSC Various Posts 2023, Kerala PSC Recruitment in Various Dept. 2023, GENERAL RECRUITMENT – STATE WIDE
CATEGORY NO: 002/2023
, CATEGORY NO: 003/2023, CATEGORY NO: 004/2023, CATEGORY NO:005/2023, CATEGORY NO:006/2023, Health Services, Assistant Surgeon/ Casualty Medical Officer, Anticipated Vacancies, Direct Recruitment, Degree in Modern Medicine (MBBS) or equivalent qualification., Must possess valid Registration with Travancore Cochin Medical Council., Candidate who have created new
Profile from 01.01.2022 should upload their Photograph taken within a period of 6 months., Last date for receipt of applications :- 19.04.2023 Wednesday up to 12 Midnight., Address to which applications are to be sent:-, Kerala Vocational Higher Secondary Education, Non- Vocational Teacher in Chemistry – By Transfer from qualified
High School Teacher of General Education Subordinate service, By Transfer Recruitment, Masters Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50% marks awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or qualification recognised as equivalent thereto in the respective subject by a
University in Kerala.,B.Ed Degree, In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree in the concerned subject, B.Ed. Degree in the concerned
faculty as specified in the Acts and Statutes of any of the Universities in Kerala, In the absence of persons with B.Ed. Degree as specified in item (i) and (ii) above, persons with
B.Ed. Degree in any subject acquired after a regular course of study from any of the Universities in
Kerala or a qualification recognized as equivalent thereto by any of the Universities in Kerala, Must have passed the State Eligibility Test in the concerned subject for the post of Non-Vocational
Teacher conducted by Government of Kerala or by the Agency authorized by the State Government, Persons who have acquired M.Ed. in the concerned subject recognised by a University in Kerala are
exempted from B.Ed qualification., Candidates who have acquired Non-qualifying Degrees viz. Ph.D/M.Phil/Post Doctoral Fellowship
will be awarded Weightage marks provided that such Non-Qualifying Degrees shall be in the subjects
pertaining to the basic qualification stipulated for the post. Weightage marks for Non-qualifying
Degrees for ranking will be awarded as detailed below, Non-Qualifying M.Phil – 2 marks
Non-Qualifying Ph.D – 4 marks
Both M.Phil and Ph.D (Non-Qualifying) – 5 marks Post Doctoral Fellowship – 2 marks, If Ph.D/M.Phil/Post Doctoral Fellowship is
reckoned as necessary qualification for the post, weightage marks will not be awarded for it. 1) Those persons who have passed the State Level Eligibility Test for the post of College Lecturers
conducted by Government of Kerala are exempted from the State Eligibility Test for Non-Vocational
2) Those persons who have passed the State Eligibility Test for the post of HSST conducted by
Government of Kerala are exempted from State Eligibility Test for Non-Vocational Teacher.
3) Those persons who have passed National Eligibility Test/ Junior Research Fellowship shall be
exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test.
4) Persons with Ph.D/ M.Phil/ M.Ed. Degree shall be exempted from passing the State Eligibility Test
provided the M.Phil in the concerned subject be one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala or
recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala,
Legal Metrology, Junior Assay Master, Direct Recruitment, Master’s Degree in Analytical Chemistry awarded, after undergoing a
regular course of study for not less than two years , by a UGC
recognized University/National Institute under the Government of
India., Must be able to speak, read and write Malayalam, In addition to the qualification prescribed in this notification,the qualifications declared
by the Government by executive orders or by standing orders as equivalent to the
prescribed educational qualifications and higher qualifications for which the prescribed
qualifications are the basic qualifications, shall also be accepted. The Government orders
regarding equivalent qualification/higher qualification are to be produced as and when
required by the Commission., The Degrees awarded by UGC approved Universities or Institutions established through
an act passed by Parliament/State Legislative Assembly in accordance with the conditions
laid down in G.O (M.S) No.526/PD dated 17.07.1965 are acceptable for appointment in
Government Services,
Ground Water, Pump Operator, Direct Recruitment, , I.T.I. Trade Certificate in Diesel/Motor Mechanic, In addition to the qualifications prescribed in the notification, the qualifications declared
by the Government as equivalent to the qualifications specified, as per executive orders
or standing orders of Government and the Higher qualifications on the basis of
qualifications specified in the Notification are also shall be acceptable for the post. The
copy of the Government orders declaring equivalent/higher qualifications shall be
produced as and when required by the Commission, STATE FARMING CORPORATION OF KERALA LIMITED, MECHANIC GR II, Direct Recruitment, Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or Equivalent Qualification,

Kerala PSC Collegiate Education Recruitment 2023

Kerala PSC Assistant Professors in Statistics 2023, Kerala PSC Collegiate Education Recruitment 2023, NCA RECRUITMENT – STATEWIDE
CATEGORY NO:012/2023
FOURTH NCA NOTIFICATION, Collegiate Education, Assistant Professor in Statistics, UGC Scale, Scheduled Caste (SC) – 04 (Four), Scheduled Tribe (ST) – 01 (One), Only candidates born between 02.01.1978 and 01.01.2001
(both dates included) are eligible to apply (For other conditions
regarding age relaxations, please see para (2) of the General
Conditions except para 2(i) )., Masters Degree in the concerned subject with not less than 50%
marks or its equivalent and good academic record ., Candidates who have acquired non-qualifying degrees viz.Ph.D/M.Phil/Post Doctoral
Fellowship will be awarded weightage marks provided that such non-qualifying degrees
shall be in the subjects pertaining to the basic qualification stipulated for the
post.Weightage marks for Non-qualifying degrees for ranking will
be awarded as detailed below., Non-Qualifying M.Phil – 2 Marks, Non – Qualifying Ph.D – 4 Marks
Both M.Phil & Ph.D(Non-Qualifying) – 5 Marks
Post Doctoral Fellowship – 2 Marks

Kerala PSC Recruitment 2023

GENERAL RECRUITMENT – DISTRICT-WISE, L.P School Teacher (Tamil Medium), Scale of pay : ₹ 35,600-75,400/-, Kerala Public Service Commission, Direct Recruitment, Other
Backward Communities and SC/ST candidates are eligible for
usual age relaxation, SSLC Examination, or its equivalent, A pass in Pre-degree examination conducted by any of the Universities in Kerala or any
examination recognized by any such Universities in Kerala as equivalent to Pre-degree
examination, A pass in TTC (Tamil) Examination conducted by the Commissioner for Government
Examinations, Kerala., Must have passed the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) for this post conducted by
the Government of Kerala.
, M.Phil in the concerned subject be the one awarded by any of the Universities in Kerala
or recognised as equivalent by any of the Universities in Kerala.
In the absence of candidates with TTC (Tamil) of Kerala, candidates with TTC(Tamil) of
Madras or candidates with Diploma in Teacher Education (Regular) of Tamil Nadu
Government shall be considered for appointment.
B.Ed certificate will not be considered in lieu of TTC (Tamil)
If there is a written (Descriptive/OMR) test the Question paper for the written test will be
in Tamil. The candidates should answer the questions in Tamil. In the case of OMR
Answer Script, answers are to be marked as instructed.
KS & SSR part II Rule 10 a (ii) is applicable for selection to this post.,

Young India Limited Vacancy 2023

Non-ITI Attendant
Operator Chemical Plant, Ex-ITI Turner, Ex-ITI Fitter, Ex-ITI Machinist, Ex-ITI Electrician, Ex-ITI Electrician, Ex-ITI Attendant
Operator Chemical Plant , Ex-ITI Laboratory
Asst.(Chemical Plant), Non-ITI Welder( Gas &
Electric), Ex-ITI Painter(General), Ex-ITI Mechanic M/c Tool
Maintenance, Ex-ITI Foundryman, Young India Limited Vacancy 2023, YIL Trade Apprentice Training 2023, Skill India Mission of Government of India,, Trade Apprentice Training, Advertisement No. 1457, Number of Posts 5395, NonITI
Category, Should have Passed Madhyamik (class X std or equivalent) as on date of
notification for applying with minimum 50% marks as per criteria of that
Board. (as per their Marksheet) and with minimum 40% marks in Mathematics
and Science each, ITI
Category, Should have passed relevant trade test from any institute recognized by
NCVT or SCVT or any other authority specified through Gazette notification
of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship/Ministry of Labour
and Employment with duration as per the Apprentice Act 1961 with
minimum 50% marks. The relevant trade to be considered will be strictly on
the basis of Schedule I of Apprentice Act 1961 (and amendments thereof).

In addition, candidate must have passed Madhyamik / Class X std or
equivalent (Minimum 50% marks in Matriculate / Class X std),

JKPSC Librarian Examination 2023

Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission, JKPSC 2023, Librarian in Govt. Degree Colleges of Jammu and Kashmir in Higher Education Department, JKPSC Higher Education Service Examination 2023, number of posts, last date to fill the form, payment, and syllabus, Notification No. 07-PSC (DR-P) OF 2023, Advertisement No. Higher Education No. HED/GAZ/85/2022-04, Number of Posts 13, Scale of Pay Rs.15600-39100/-+AGP 6000, Good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library,
having at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/Differently abled).
The candidates must have cleared NET/SLET/SET conducted

Rajasthan Food Safety Officer Exam 2022

Fisheries Development Officer
in A.P. Fisheries Service, Sericulture Officer In A.P
Sericulture Service, Agriculture Officer In A.P
Agriculture Service, Divisional Accounts Officer
(works) Grade –II in A.P.Works
Accounts Service, Technical Assistant in A.P
Police Service, Assistant Commissioner of
Endowments in A.P.
Charitable and Hindu
Religious Institutions and
Endowments Service, Assistant Director of
Horticulture in A.P.Horticulture

APPSC Forest Range officers Exam 2022

Fisheries Development Officer
in A.P. Fisheries Service, Sericulture Officer In A.P
Sericulture Service, Agriculture Officer In A.P
Agriculture Service, Divisional Accounts Officer
(works) Grade –II in A.P.Works
Accounts Service, Technical Assistant in A.P
Police Service, Assistant Commissioner of
Endowments in A.P.
Charitable and Hindu
Religious Institutions and
Endowments Service, Assistant Director of
Horticulture in A.P.Horticulture

CBSE CTET December Exam 2022

CBSE CTET December 2022 Exam: Apply for December 2022 CTET Exam Recently, CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (CBSE) has released the notification of CTET Exam 2022. The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct 16th edition of Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) in CBT (Computer Based Test – Online) mode between December, 2022 to January, 2023. The

UP Forester Exam Notification 2022

UP Forester Exam Notification 2022: Apply for Van Daroga Exam 2022 Recently  Uttar Pradesh Sub-ordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has issued the notification to apply online for UP Forester Exam 2022. The links is provided in the important link section below. UP Forester Exam Notification 2022 Here, has been providing brief summary of the exam notification. All

Inspector of Fisheries Examination 2022

TNPSC, Tamil Nadu Public service Commission, TNPSC Assistant Director of Fisheries Examination 2021, Tamil Nadu Fisheries Service, A Great Opportunity in Fisheries Service, Chances for M.F.Sc., Degree, Doctorate in Zoology or Marine Biology, M.Sc.,(Bio-Technology) with a basic B.F.Sc.,Degree, M.A/M.Sc., in Zoology or Marine Biology, Job Opportunity for Transgenders, Syllabus for TNPSC Assistant Director of Fisheries, RESERVATION IN EMPLOYMENT FOR TRANSGENDER

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