RGUKT Faculty Recruitment 2023
Rajiv Gandhi University Lecturer Recruitment 2023
Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies
Lecturer Posts
It has announced 220 vacancies
It includes the number of posts, last date to fill the form, payment, and syllabus. The pattern of the exam has also been discussed in a detailed manner.
Advertisement No. 5/RGUKT/2023
Issued Date 31 October 2023
Online Start Date 31 October 2023
Last Date 20 November 2023
Last Date to Submit Hardcopy 27 November 2023
Educational Eligibility Criteria, and Pay Level for RGUKT Faculty Recruitment 2023
Category Amount per Test
Unreserved/BC/EWS ₹ 2500.00
SC/ST/PBDs ₹ 2000.00
Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) USD 50 equivalent amount to be paid in Rupees (i.e. Rs.4,200.00)
Category wise reservation for Lecturers in various departments/subjects
S.No. Department/
Regular Total
1 Biology OC-4, BC-A-1, SC-2, ST-1, 8
2 Chemistry OC-15, BC-A-2,BC-B-3, BC-C-1,
BC-D-3,BC-E-2, SC-4,ST-2,EWS-4
3 Dance OC-2,BC-A-1, SC-1 4
4 English OC-10,BC-A-2,BC-B-2,BC-D-2,
BC-E-1,SC-4, ST-1, EWS-2,
5 Fine Arts OC-1,BC-B-1,ST-1, EWS-1 4
6 IT OC-10,BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-2,BC-E-1,
SC-5, ST-1,EWS-3,
7 Library OC-4,BC-B-1, SC-1,ST-1, EWS-1 8
8 Mathematics OC-13,BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-C-1,
BC-D-3,BC-E-2, SC-4,ST-2, EWS-3
9 Music OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1 4
10 Physical Education OC-6, BC-A-1,BC-B-2, SC-1,ST-1,EWS-1 12
11 Physics OC-11, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-4, BC-E-2,
SC-6, ST-2, EWS-5
12 Psychology OC-2,BC-B-1,SC-1 4
13 Telugu OC-8, BC-A-1, BC-B-1, BC-C-1,
SC-3,ST-1, EWS-1
14 Yoga OC-1,BC-A-1,BC-D-1,BC-E-1 4
Total 220
For the above vacancies the following Horizontal reservation will be implemented as
per the provisions of G.O.Ms.77 General Administration (Services-D) Department dated:
33 1/3rd % for Women;
Two percent (2%) for Sports persons;
Two percent (2%) for Ex-serviceman;
Four percent (4%) for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. Total no. of
vacancies reserved for this category is 9.
a) Reservation Register for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
Block Respective Categories No. of posts
1 a Blindness and low vision 3
2 b Deaf and hard hearing 2
3 c
Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy,
leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and
muscular dystrophy
d Autism, Intellectual disability, Mental illness.
Multiple disabilities from amongst persons under
clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the
posts identified for each disabilities.
b) In order to provide representation for each category of persons with Benchmark
disabilities, each Register shall have cycles of 100 points and each cycle of 100 points
shall be divided into four Blocks, comprising the following points:
1st Block – Point No. 01 to point No. 25
2nd Block – Point No. 26 to point No. 50
3rd Block – Point No. 51 to point No. 75
4th Block – Point No. 76 to point No.100
c) There is a possibility that none of the vacancies from 1 to 25 is suitable for any
category of the person with benchmark disability. In that case, two vacancies from 26
to 50 shall be filled as reserved for persons with benchmark disabilities. If the
vacancies from 26 to 50 are also not suitable for any category, three vacancies shall be
filled as reserved from the third block containing points from 51 to 75. This means
that if no vacancy can be reserved in a particular block, it shall be carried over into the
next block.
d) If first point is not filled up with Person with Benchmark Disability, further vacancy
falling at any of the points from 2 to 25 shall have to be filled by the Person with
Benchmark Disability. The purpose of keeping points 1, 26, 51 and 76 as reserved is
to fill up the first available suitable vacancy for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
Likewise, a vacancy falling at any of the points from 26 to 50 or from 51 to 75 or
from 76 to 100 shall have to be filled by the Persons with Benchmark Disabilities.
Important Note:
1. As per the Andhra Pradesh Gazette Notification No. 19 dated 21st December
2021, for the purpose of reservation of posts, sanctioned strength for a state
educational institution or a class of State Educational Institutions under the
control of an authority or management, that is competent for recruitment in
those State Educational Institution (s) shall be regarded as a single unit, in this
case roster is calculated by considering university as a single Unit.
2. Vertical reservation for SC, ST, BC, EWS and horizontal reservation for Women,
Ex-servicemen, meritorious sports persons and PBDs will be followed as per
G.O. Ms. No. 77 General Administration (Services-D) Department dated
02.08.2023 Government of AP. Candidates applying for the reserved posts
should clearly state the category to which they belong to. They must also
enclose a Certificate issued by Tahsildar / Mandal Revenue Officer/ or other
Authorized Authority as proof to this effect, without which the application will
not be considered.
3. As per G.O.Ms.No.90 Higher Education (UE) Department Dated:13.09.2023, the
vacant posts to be notified for direct recruitment shall be clearly arranged for
each category of faculty/teaching positions in alphabetical order of (i)
Departments, and (ii) the subjects, if any, within each department for
identifying roster points and implementation of the rule of reservation. The
roster points for the said vacant posts are to be notified and filled, in accordance
with Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 for
implementation of the rule of reservation for direct recruitment of
faculty/teachers into the State Educational Institution(s), and issue recruitment
notification for the same.
4. As per G.O.Ms. No.1 Department of Economically Weaker Sections Welfare, Govt.
of A.P. Dated: 28.03.2023, ‘in the event of non-availability of eligible
Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) direct recruits, the principle of carry
forwarding of unfilled posts in the event of non-availability of candidates,
applicable to Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe in terms of service rules shall be
made applicable to Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) also’.
G.O.Ms. No.1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, public services –
Government Employees- Revised Pay Scales 2022-
Comprehensive orders- dated 17-01-2022,
Lecturer AP State Govt.
Revised Pay Scales
Essential Qualifications – Subject wise:
1.1 Biology
Number of posts : 08
Regular : 08 (OC-4, BC-A-1, SC-2, ST-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Biosciences from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.2 Chemistry
Number of posts : 36
Regular : 36 (OC-15, BC-A-2, BC-B-3, BC-C-1, BC-D-3, BC-E-2, SC-4,
ST-2, EWS-4)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Chemistry from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.3 Dance
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Dance from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.4 English:
Number of posts : 24
Regular : 24 (OC-10, BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-D-2, BC-E-1, SC-4, ST-1,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in English from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.5 Fine Arts:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 36 (OC-1, BC-B-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Fine Arts from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.6 Information Technology:
Number of posts : 28
Regular : 28 (OC-10, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-2, BC-E-1, SC-5, ST-1,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Tech, M.Sc., MSIT, MCA or
B.Sc (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Information
Technology/Computer Science from any University in India Established or
incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial Act or an
Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an equivalent
qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.7 Library Science:
Number of posts : 08
Regular : 08 (OC-4, BC-B-1, SC-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree in MLISc or any other
equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Library Sciences from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.8 Mathematics:
Number of posts : 32
Regular : 32 (OC-13, BC-A-2, BC-B-2, BC-C-1, BC-D-3, BC-E-2, SC-4,
ST-2, EWS-3)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A./MSc or BSc (Hons)/ B.A
(Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Mathematics from any
University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State
Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants
Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post
Graduate Degree Examination.
1.9 Music:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-A-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A., or B.A. (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Music (Vocal and Instrumental) from
any University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks
in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
1.10 Physical Education
Number of posts : 12
Regular : 12 (OC-6, BC-A-1, BC-B-2, SC-1, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.P.Ed.) or any other
equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Physical Education from any University in
India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a
Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission
or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate
Degree Examination.
1.11 Physics
Number of posts : 36
Regular : 36 (OC-11, BC-A-2, BC-B-4, BC-D-4, BC-E-2, SC-6, ST-2,
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.Sc., or B.Sc (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Physics from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.12 Psychology:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-2, BC-B-1, SC-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A.,/M.Sc., or B.A.
(Hons)/B.Sc (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in
Psychology from any University in India Established or incorporated by or under
a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the
University Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of
50% marks in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
1.13 Telugu
Number of posts : 16
Regular : 16 (OC-8, BC-A-1, BC-B-1, BC-C-1, SC-3, ST-1, EWS-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A. or B.A. (Hons)) or any
other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Telugu from any University in India
Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act, or a Provincial
Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission or an
equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks in Post Graduate Degree
1.14 Yoga:
Number of posts : 04
Regular : 04 (OC-1, BC-A-1, BC-D-1, BC-E-1)
Essential Qualifications:
Must possess a Second Class Post Graduate Degree (M.A.,/M.Sc., or B.A.
(Hons)/B.Sc. (Hons)) or any other equivalent Post Graduate Degree in Yoga from
any University in India Established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act, or a Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission or an equivalent qualification with a minimum of 50% marks
in Post Graduate Degree Examination.
Procedure for payment of Registration Fee:
Application Fees (Non-refundable) to be paid through the link provided in the
application form portal:
S.No. Category Amount per Test
1 Unreserved/BC/EWS ₹ 2500.00
2 SC/ST/PBDs ₹ 2000.00
3 Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs)
USD 50 equivalent
amount to be paid in
Rupees (i.e.,